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- Warning: Unsolicited offers for conclusion a contract
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Unsolicited offers for conclusion a contract
Registers with no relation with the official IP registers by the Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic
Do you know where you register your property rights? Watch our new video (mp4, 40,1 MB)
Procedure manual on handling misleading payment requests for intellectual property system users: Act smart against scammers! (pdf, 108 kB)
Prison sentence for fraudulent invoices relating to EU trademarks
The Industrial Property Office repeatedly warns applicants, owners of IP rights and their representatives that they may be approached in written or electronic form by some private companies, which offer publishing, registration or entering of IP rights in their registers or databases for various fees in various currencies on the internet.
Company: | Address: |
BIPR- Bureau Intellectual Property Registration Kft.; VAT ID: HU27909263 | Miklós utca 13. 8. em. 42., 1035 Budapest, Hungary |
Community trade marks and designs ltd | 7 Arlington Gardens, W4 4EZ London, UK |
CPTD - Central Patent & Trademark Database | Křenova 40, 602 00 Brno, ČR |
CP S. L. Publicación Companias Marcas Int | Apt 345, 03724 Moraira (Alicante), España |
Česká obnova ochranných známek, s. r. o.; IČO 29051681 | Na Strži 65, 140 00, Praha 4, ČR |
Český registr ochranných známek, s. r. o.; IČO 24846210 | Nádražní 344/23, 150 00, Praha 5, ČR Říčanská 1984/5, 101 00 Praha 10, ČR |
EAIP - European Agency Intellectual Property | Tsar Kaloyan 31, Burgas, Bulgaria Rue des Colonies 9, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium |
Edition The Marks KFT | 9737 BÜK, Ipar utca 10, HU |
EIP - European Intellectual Property Institute | Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 10, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium ul. Chwarznienska, nr 36, 81-602 Gdynia, Poland |
EIPA - European Intellectual Property Agency / Office LLC | Rue des Colonies 9, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium Saburalo district, Al. Kazbegi Ave. No 11, 0160 Tbilis, Georgia |
EIPS s. r. o. - (European Intellectual Property Services); IČO 01980688 | Vondrákova 645/26, 635 00 Brno, ČR |
EPT AGENCY - European Patent and Trademark Agency | Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 10, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium Ul. Bosmanska 40/9, 81-116 Gdynia, Poland |
EPTA - European Patent and Trademark Agency | Da Vincilaan 9, 1930 Bruxelles, Belgium Taraz, 080014 Massiv Arai, 15 Mkr Srt 14/2, Kazakhstan |
EPTO - European Patent and Trademark Organization (EPTO-Organization LLC) | Rue des Colonies 11, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium Ive Lole Ribara 034, Belgrade, Serbia |
EPTP - European Patent & Trademark Protection, IČ CZ 08822972 | Lidická 700/19, 602 00 Brno |
European Central Reg of Brands and Patents | Boulevard Bischoffsheim 39, 1000 Brussels, Belgium |
European Central Register of Brands and Patents | EiH Services ECR, 2 Stoneycroft Road, Edinburgh, EH 309HX |
EOIP - European Organization Intellectual Property | Boulevard du Régent 37, 1000 Brussels, Belgium |
European Patent and Trademark Pulications - EUPAT; VAT: PL4990665484 | ul. Mazowiecka 11/49, 00-052 Warszawa, Poland |
European Patent and Trademark Register | ul. Morska 35, 75-212 Koszalin, Poland |
EUIPA - European Intellectual Property Agency | D. Bayanova Street 105, 080014 Massiv Arai, Kazakhstan Rue des Colonies 11, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium |
EUIPD - European Union Intellectual Property Directory DELCO GROUP Sp. z o. o., KRS 0000686989, NIP-VAT 7822725862, REGON 367789782 |
ul. Szafarnia 11/F8, 80-755 Gdańsk, Poland |
EUOIP - European Office Intellectual Property, ID: 21758256, VAT: 112873396 | Braće Jugovića 3, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia |
FIPTR | 6574 North State Road 7, Suite 337, Coconut Creek, FL 33076, USA |
F.O.I.P. | 398 Dania Beach Blvd 176, Dania Beach, FL 33004, USA |
GLOPAT - Global Patents & Trademarks; IČO SK 50208667 | Obchodná 43-45/6717, 81106 Bratislava, Slovak Republic P.O.Box 166, 81000 Bratislava, SR |
Glotrade S.R.O. d.o.o.; ID: 21508942 | Bulevar Zorana Djindjića 45z/17, Beograd - Novi Beograd, Serbia |
GOIP - Intellectual Property | Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 10, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium 84-240, Reda, C.K. Norwida 47, Poland |
INDAB; Reg.: FN 218438 h; CHE-116.356.532; FL-0002.063.204-5; DIČ: ATU53831803 |
Döblinger Hauptstraße 7/33, PF-Box 73, A-1190 Wien Dorfstrasse 38, CH-6341 Baar Alte Churerstrasse 45, FL-9496 Balzers |
Intellectul Property Agency Ltd. | Rue de Colonies 11, 1000 Brussels, Belgium |
Intellectual property register services s.r.o., (IPRS); IČO 06623042 | Korunní 2569/108, 101 00 Praha, ČR P.O.BOX 102, 657 02 Brno, ČR |
IPS office s.r.o. (Intellectual Property Services); IČO 08029326 | Lidická 700/19, 602 00 Brno, ČR |
International Organisation Intellectual Property Kft., (IOIP); IČO 06-09-024197, DIČ 26272016-1-06 | Andrassy ut 79, 1062 Budapest, Hungary Mester ut 16, 6800 Hódmezővásárhely, Hungary |
IPATR, s. r. o; IČO SK 47123745 | Teplická 105, 921 01 Piešťany, SR |
IP Data, s. r. o.; IČO 24177644 | P.O.Box 479, 657 73 Brno, ČR Jaurisova 515/4, 140 00 Praha 4, ČR Plaská 622/3, 150 00 Praha 5, ČR |
IP Direct s.r.o.- Intellectual Property Directory s.r.o.; IČO 05620546 | Olšanská 54/3, 130 00 Praha 3, ČR |
IPIO - Organization Intellectual Property | Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 10, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium pl. Kaszubski, 8/311, 81-350, Gdynia, Poland |
IPOS - Intellectual Property Organisation Service | Science Museum Road 14, 852 Central HK, Hong Kong Rue du Rhone 15, 1204 Geneve, Switzerland |
IPRS s.r.o., (Intellectual property register services); IČO 06622747 | Korunní 2569/108, 101 00 Praha, ČR P.O.BOX 102, 657 02 Brno, ČR |
IP Register UG, European; AG HRB 260290 | Allacher St. 145, 80997 Munich, Germany |
IP Save, s. r. o.; IČO 04160291 | Lidická 700/19, 602 00 Brno, ČR |
IPTA, s. r. o.; IČO 5986150 | Lidická 700/19, 602 00 Brno, ČR P.O.Box 207, 65807 Brno, ČR |
IPT Designs | P.O.Box 15, 800 90, Bratislava, SR |
IPTG, s. r. o.; IČO 28978005 | Biskupsky Dvur 2095/8, 110 00 Praha 1, ČR |
IPTI, s.r.o. (International Patent & Trademark Index); IČO 04564804 | Olšanská 54/3, 130 00 Praha 3, ČR |
IPTO, s. r. o. (International Patent & Trademark Organisation); IČO 26913551 | Prikop 843/4, 602 00, Brno, ČR |
IPTO - Intellectual Property Trademark Organization | Avenue Louise 65/11, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium |
IPT Patents | P.O.Box 113, 690 02, Břeclav, ČR |
IPTR s.r.o. (International Patent and Trademark Register); IČO 06764673 | Nové sady 988/2, 602 00 Brno, ČR |
IPT Registration s. r. o. (IPT Register); IČO 02227291 | P.O.Box 15, Bratislava, SR nám. Svobody 93/22, 602 00 Brno, ČR |
IPT Trademarks | P.O.Box 113, 690 02, Břeclav, ČR |
IPTS Service sp. z. o. o.; VAT: PL5252534873 | ul Dluga 23/25 lok. 21, 00-238 Warszawa, Poland Plaská 622/3, 15000 Praha 5, ČR |
IPWTO, s. r. o.; IČO 03793605 | Blatnická 4219/4, 628 00 Brno, ČR |
IRO - International Registration Office | Mokotowska 15, 00-640 Warsaw, Poland |
IRPT, ltd(International Register of Patents & Trademarks); Reg. No. 145621 | 1 1⁄2 Miles Northern Highway, Belize City, Belize Av. Ramón y Cajal 1, Suite 339, ES-28016 Madrid, Spain |
ITMORG – International Trademark Monitoring Organization | Max-Högger-Strasse 6, Zurich, CH-8048, Switzerland |
International Trademark Publication Register (TPR) | Ul. Wilcza, 00-544 Warszawa, Poland |
International Trademarks Publication Register (ITPR) | Rybná 682, Praha, ČR |
ITR International Trademark Register | ul. Bracka, 00-544 Warszawa, Poland |
ODM srl, s. r. o. (Register of International Patents); IČO SK 46604901 |
P.O. Box 649, 661 49 Brno, ČR Medená 11, 811 02 Bratislava, SR |
OIP - Organisation Intellectual Property | Mokotowska 27/9, 00-560 Warsaw, Poland |
Office for international registration | 7 Arlington Gardens, W4 4EZ London, UK |
OPT, s.r.o.; IČO SK 48292451 | Šancová 48, 811 05 Bratislava, SK P.O.Box 0015, 80090 Bratislava, SK |
Patent & Trademark Bureau | 1500 Market Street, 12th Floor, East Tower, Philadelphia, PA 19102, United States of America, USA |
PATR Servis, s. r. o.; IČO 04642252 | K terminálu 745/1a, 61 900 Brno, ČR |
Regipt LLC | 26 York Street, London, W1U 6PZ, UK |
Register der Deutschen Marken; | Leopoldstrasse 244, 80807 Munchen, DE |
RIPT, s. r. o. (Registration of International Patents); IČO SK 44024827 | P.O. Box 210, 661 49 Brno, ČR Šancová 48, 811 05 Bratislava, SR |
RPT Servis, s. r. o. (Registration of International Patents); IČO 03069923 | Bratislavská 1527/15, 102 00, Praha, ČR Věstonická 4289/12, 628 00 Brno, ČR |
RPVSR - Register Priemyselného Vlastníctva Slovenskej Republiky | Gogoľova 18, 852 02 Bratislava, SR |
TM-Edition Ltd.; Tax ID: HU14300561 | Széchenyi tér 17, 2000 Szentendre, HU |
TM Publisher, VAT: ATU53831803 | Döblinger Hauptstrasse 7, 1190 Wien, A Box 73, 1190 Wien, A |
TM Register, Tax n. 205892060 | Maior T. Kavaldzhev 80, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria |
TM Register | Vaci ut 45, 1134 Budapest, Hungary |
TM Trademark Publication Service, VAT: PL5833199979 | Waly Piastowskie 1/1508,80-855 Gdansk, Poland |
TPP - Trademark & Patent Publications | Przemyslowa 8/108, 75-216 Koszalin, Poland |
TPR European Trademark Publication Register | Grösslingova 4, 81 109 Bratislava, SR |
TPR Trademark Publication Register | ul. Wilcza, 00-544 Warszawa, Poland |
TPS - Trademark Publication | www.tps-register.com |
Trademark Edition Ltd.; Tax ID: HU24224567 | Széchenyi tér 17, 2000 Szentendre, HU |
TRE Service; Tax ID: 205033878 | 1799 Sofia, District Mladost, Block-No 217, App. 127, BG |
UPTS s. r. o.; IČO 29288134 | P.O. Box 19, 148 00, Praha, ČR Kaprova 42/14, 11000 Praha 1, ČR |
W.B.I.P. | 391 NW 179th Avenue, Aloha, OR 97006, USA |
WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization - REMINDER | Chemin des Colombettes 6, CH-1202 Genéve 20, Switzerland |
WIPOT d.o.o. ; Reg.n. 21395927 | Bulevar Zorana Djindjića 45ž Beograd - Novi Beograd P.O.BOX 0061, 1210 Viena Jurija Gagarina 68, RS-11070 Beograd 27 |
WIPT s. r. o.; IČO SK 44024827 | P.O. Box 52 / 62 / 5800, 814 99 Bratislava, SR Šancová 48, 811 05 Bratislava, SR |
WDTP s. r. o. (Worldwide Database of Trademarks and Patents); IČO 24689017 | P.O. Box 173, 657 73, Brno, ČR Roháčova 188/37, 13000 Praha 3, ČR |
World Intellectual Property Database; IČO 24689017 | P.O.Box 55, 148 00, Praha 4, ČR Roháčova 188/37, 13000 Praha 3, ČR |
WIPI - World Intellectual Property Institute Kft.; ID HU24804138, 01-09-338484, 26673077-2-42 |
Garay utca 45. 1. em. 120., 1076 Budapest, Hungary |
World Intelligent Property Office | 32 chemin des Colombettes, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland |
World Organization Intellectual Property Kft., (WOIP); IČO 01-09-327635, DIČ 26387866-2-41 |
Andrassy ut 79, 1062 Budapest, Hungary Miklós utca 13. 8. em. 42., 1035 Budapest, Hungary Lagymanyosi utca 12, 1111 Budapest, Hungary |
World Patent Trademark Agency s.r.o.; IČO 08803510 | Nové sady 988/2, 602 00 Brno, ČR |
World Trademark Register (WTR) | 15, Rue du Tunnel, 1227 Geneva, CH, Switzerland A-286 SUARL, 51 AV 2 Mars, 4022 Akouda, TN, Tunisko |
WOTRA Kft. (World Organization for Trademarks); Tax ID: 25374146-2-42, Cg. 01-09-271455 |
P.O.BOX 221, 9002 Györ, HU Széchenyi István tér 7-8, 1051 Budapest, HU |
WPAT, s. r. o.; IČO SK 48267970 | Gagarinova 10/A, 821 05 Bratislava, SR |
WPT Register Ltd (World Patent and Trademark); Company number 12014936, Tax n. 05986150 | Kemp House, 160 City Road, EC1V 2NX, London, United Kingdom |
WPTD Office, s.r.o.; IČO: 09342311 (World Patent & Trademark Database) | Varšavská 715/36, 120 00 Praha 2, CZ |
WPTI s. r. o. (World Patent and Trademark Index); IČO 29038804 |
Na Roudné 443/18, 30100 Pilsen, ČR |
WPTO s. r. o. (World Patent & Trademark Organization); IČO 03668045 | Krymská 238/18, 101 00 Praha 10, ČR P.O.BOX 62, 602 00 Brno, ČR |
WPTR s. r. o. (World Patent and Trademark Register); IČO 0765976, 06466036 | Příkop 843/4, 602 00 Brno, ČR |
WPTORG s. r. o. (World Patent and Trademark Organization); IČO 24156493 | Víta Nejedlého 869/7, 130 00 Praha-Žizkov, ČR |
WPT service s. r. o. (World Patent & Trademark Service); IČO 06501508 | Korunní 2569/108, 101 00 Praha, ČR |
WPTS s. r. o. (World Patent & Trademark Service); IČO 03908453 | P.O.BOX 221, 602 00 Brno, ČR Olšanská 54/3, 130 00 Praha 3, ČR |
WTMO (World Trademark Monitoring Organization); Reg. No: 40103811673 | Leutschenbachstrasse 95, 8050 Zurich, Switzerland Apes street 1A-2, Riga, Latvia |
WTPR | Plac Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego 3, 00-078 Warszawa, Poland |
The Industrial Property Office again warns that such services do neither bear any relation with the official registers or databases managed by the Office nor with the legal protection provided according to relevant legislation. Nonuse of the services offered does not have any legal implications in relation to the legal force of IP rights.
If in doubt as to the legitimacy of any invitation or invoice received, please contact: fraud@upv.gov.cz
Similar warnings for applicants, owners of IP rights and their representatives are also on the following websites:
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) - Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT):
WARNING: Requests for Payment of Fees
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) - Madrid System:
Warning: Samples of Misleading Invoices
European Union Intellectual Property Office - EUIPO:
IMPORTANT WARNING - Misleading requests for payment relating to information/trade mark “registers” and entries to directories
Misleading invoice fraud targeting the owners of intellectual property rights (Crime situation in 2021) (pdf, 1,4 MB)
European Patent Office (EPO):
Warning: Beware of approaches and requests for payment from firms purporting to register European patents
Examples of unsolicited offers
company: | examples: | |
BIPR- Bureau Intellectual Property Registration Kft. | 1 (pdf,959 kB) |
Community trade marks and designs ltd | 1 (pdf,256 kB) |
2 (pdf, 467 kB) |
CPTD - Central Patent & Trademark Database | 1 (pdf, 384 kB) |
CP S. L. Publicación Companias Marcas Internacionales | 1 (pdf, 795 kB) | |
Česká obnova ochranných známek | 1 (pdf, 1,8 MB) | 2 (pdf, 1,7 MB) |
Český registr ochranných známek, s.r.o. | 1 (pdf, 1,5 MB) | |
EAIP - European Agency Intellectual Property | 1 (pdf, 950 kB) | |
EIP - European Intellectual Property Institute | 1 (pdf, 360 kB) | |
EIPA - European Intellectual Property Agency / Office LLC | 1 (pdf, 1,1 MB) | 2 (pdf, 1,1 MB) |
EIPS s.r.o. - European Intellectual Property Services | 1 (pdf, 44 kB) | 2 (pdf, 1,5 MB) |
EPT AGENCY - European Patent and Trademark Agency | 1 (pdf, 1,2 MB) | |
EPTA - European Patent and Trademark Agency | 1 (pdf, 303 kB) | |
EPTO - European Patent and Trademark Organization (EPTO-Organization LLC) | 1 (pdf, 600 kB) | |
EPTP - European Patent & Trademark Protection | 1 (pdf, 1,1 MB) | |
European Central Reg of Brands and Patents | 1 (pdf, 741 kB) | |
European Central Register of Brands and Patents | 1 (pdf, 849 kB) | |
EOIP - European Organization Intellectual Property | 1 (pdf, 595 kB) | |
European Patent and Trademark Publications - EUPAT | 1 (pdf, 640 kB) | |
European Patent and Trademark Register | 1 (pdf, 1,1 MB) | 2 (pdf, 2,6 MB) |
EUIPA - European Intellectual Property Agency | 1 (pdf, 3,6 MB) | |
EUIPD - European Union Intellectual Property Directory DELCO GROUP Sp. z o. o. |
1 (pdf, 456 kB) | |
EUOIP - European Office Intellectual Property | 1 (pdf, 1,6 kB) | 2 (pdf, 1,2 kB) |
F.O.I.P. | 1 (pdf, 1,2 MB) | |
GLOPAT - Global Patents & Trademarks | 1 (pdf, 872 kB) | |
Glotrade S.R.O. d.o.o. | 1 (pdf, 734 kB) | |
GOIP - Intellectual Property | 1 (pdf, 360 kB) | |
INDAB | 1 (pdf, 358 kB) 2 (pdf, 514 kB) |
3 (pdf, 1,6 MB) 4 (pdf, 2,3 MB) |
Intellectul Property Agency Ltd. | 1 (pdf, 1,5 MB) | |
Intellectual property register services s.r.o. | 1 (pdf, 1,1 MB) | |
IPS office s.r.o. (Intellectual Property Services) | 1 (pdf, 1,1 MB) | 2 (pdf, 717 kB) |
International Organisation Intellectual Property Kft. (IOIP) | 1 (pdf, 527 kB) | 2 (pdf, 956 kB) |
IPATR | 1 (pdf, 309 kB) | |
IP Data, s. r. o. | 1 (pdf, 2,4 MB) 2 (pdf, 670 kB) |
3 (pdf, 1,2 MB) 4 (pdf, 1,5 MB) 5 (pdf, 594 kB) |
IP Direct s.r.o. - Intellectual Property Directory s.r.o. | 1 (pdf, 605 kB) 2 (pdf, 527 kB) 3 (pdf, 1,2 MB) |
4 (pdf, 602 kB) 5 (pdf, 973 kB) |
IPIO - Organization Intellectual Property | 1 (pdf, 611 kB) | |
IPOS - Intellectual Property Organisation Service | 1 (pdf, 999 kB) 2 (pdf, 1,1 MB) |
3 (pdf, 635 kB) 4 (pdf, 352 kB) |
IPRS s.r.o., (Intellectual property register services) | 1 (pdf, 1,1 MB) | |
IP Register UG, European | 1 (pdf, 273 kB) | 2 (pdf, 216 kB) |
IP Save, s. r. o. | 1 (pdf, 1,0 MB) 2 (pdf, 1,2 MB) |
3 (pdf, 1,5 MB) 4 (pdf, 1,2 MB) |
IPTA, s. r. o. | 1 (pdf, 2,3 MB) 2 (pdf, 1,4 MB) |
3 (pdf, 605 kB) |
IPT Designs | 1 (pdf, 194 kB) | 2 (pdf, 937 kB) |
IPTG - International Patent and Trademark Guide | 1 (pdf, 1,6 MB) 2 (pdf, 2,0 MB) 3 (pdf, 1,0 MB) 4 (pdf, 1,1 MB) |
5 (pdf, 1,1 MB) 6 (pdf, 1,1 MB) 7 (pdf, 1,0 MB) |
IPTI, s.r.o. - International Patent & Trademark Index | 1 (pdf, 1,1 MB) 2 (pdf, 1,0 kB) |
3 (pdf, 1,1 MB) 4 (pdf, 4,0 MB) |
IPTO - International Patent & Trademark Organisation | 1 (pdf, 1,4 MB) 2 (pdf, 603 kB) |
3 (pdf, 107 kB) |
IPTO - Intellectual Property Trademark Organization | 1 (pdf, 3,1 MB) 2 (pdf, 785 kB) |
3 (pdf, 359 kB) 4 (pdf, 1,4 MB) |
IPT Patents | 1 (pdf, 588 kB) 2 (pdf, 1,6 MB) |
3 (pdf, 485 kB) |
IPTR s.r.o. (International Patent and Trademark Register) | 1 (pdf, 497 kB) | 2 (pdf, 960 kB) |
IPT Register | 1 (pdf, 2,3 MB) | |
IPTS Service | 1 (pdf, 718 kB) | 2 (pdf, 830 kB) |
IPWTO | 1 (pdf, 1,2 MB) | |
IRO | 1 (pdf, 247 kB) | |
IRPT, ltd (International Register of Patents & Trademarks) | 1 (pdf, 638 kB) | |
ITMORG – International Trademark Monitoring Organization | 1 (pdf, 1,1 MB) | |
International Trademark Publication Register | 1 (pdf, 392 kB) | |
International Trademarks Publication Register (ITPR) | 1 (pdf, 1,3 MB) | |
ITR International Trademark Register | 1 (pdf, 659 kB) | |
OIP - Organisation Intellectual Property | 1 (pdf, 296 kB) 1 (pdf, 350 kB) |
3 (pdf, 78 kB) |
OPT, s.r.o. | 1 (pdf, 766 kB) | |
Patent & Trademark Bureau | 1 (pdf, 843 kB) | |
PATR Servis | 1 (pdf, 426 kB) | |
Regipt LLC | 1 (pdf, 3,2 MB) 2 (pdf, 34 kB) |
3 (pdf, 868 kB) |
Register of International Patents (ODM srl, s. r. o.) | 1 (pdf, 149 kB) | 2 (pdf, 146 kB) |
Register der Deutschen Marken | 1 (pdf, 799 kB) | |
Registration of International Patent (RIPT, s. r. o.) | 1 (pdf, 177 kB) | |
RPT Servis - Registration of International Patent | 1 (pdf, 1,1 MB) | |
RPVSR - Register Priemyselného Vlastníctva Slovenskej Republiky | 1 (pdf, 670 kB) | |
TM-Edition Ltd. | 1 (pdf, 801 kB) | |
TM Publisher | 1 (pdf, 938 kB) | |
TM Register | 1 (pdf, 473 kB) | |
TM Register | 1 (pdf, 535 kB) | |
TM Trademark Publication Service | 1 (pdf, 660 kB) | |
Trademark & Patent Publication | 1 (pdf, 1,4 MB) | |
TPR European Trademark Publication Register | 1 (pdf, 1,1 MB) 2 (pdf, 1,0 MB) |
3 (pdf, 1,1 MB) |
TPR Trademark Publication Register | 1 (pdf, 1,1 MB) 2 (pdf, 1,0 MB) |
3 (pdf, 1,1 MB) |
TPS - Trademark Publication | 1 (pdf, 389 kB) | 2 (pdf, 1,5 MB) |
Trademark Edition Ltd. | 1 (pdf, 448 kB) | |
TRE Service | 1 (pdf, 900 kB) | |
UPTS s. r. o. | 1 (pdf, 1,7 MB) 2 (pdf, 1,8 MB) 3 (pdf, 2,0 MB) 4 (pdf, 607 kB) 5 (pdf, 1,1 MB) 6 (pdf, 966 kB) |
7 (pdf, 3,3 MB) 8 (pdf, 564 kB) 9 (pdf, 1,2 MB) 10 (pdf, 1,2 MB) 11 (pdf, 658 kB) |
W.B.I.P. | 1 (pdf, 965 kB) | 2(pdf, 476 kB) |
WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization - REMINDER | 1 (pdf, 14,9 MB) 2 (pdf, 299 kB) |
3 (pdf, 345 kB) |
WIPOT d.o.o. | 1 (pdf, 578 kB) 2 (pdf, 2,0 MB) |
3 (pdf, 576 kB) |
WIPT s. r. o. | 1 (pdf, 1,3 MB) 2 (pdf, 691 kB) 3 (pdf, 1,9 MB) 4 (pdf, 1,2 MB) |
5 (pdf, 1,2 MB) 6 (pdf, 516 kB) 7 (pdf, 865 kB) 8 (pdf, 501 kB) |
Worldwide Database of Trademarks and Patents | 1 (pdf, 4,8 MB) 2 (pdf, 444 kB) 3 (pdf, 1,6 MB) 4 (pdf, 2,2 MB) |
5 (pdf, 223 kB) 6 (pdf, 677 kB) 7 (pdf, 973 kB) 8 (pdf, 689 kB) |
World Intellectual Property Database | 1 (pdf, 954 kB) | |
WIPI - World Intellectual Property Institute | 1 (pdf, 2,1 MB) | 2 (pdf, 1,1 MB) |
World Intelligent Property Office | 1 (pdf, 382 kB) | |
World Organization Intellectual Property Kft., (WOIP) | 1 (pdf, 537 kB) 2 (pdf, 1,2 MB) |
3 (pdf, 956 kB) |
World Patent Trademark Agency | 1 (pdf, 482 kB) | 2 (pdf, 2,5 MB) |
World Trademark Register (WTR) | 1 (pdf, 3,2 MB) | 2 (pdf, 3,9 MB) |
WOTRA Kft. (World Organization for Trademarks) | 1 (pdf, 678 kB) 2 (pdf, 2,2 MB) |
3 (pdf, 123 kB) 4 (pdf, 765 kB) |
WPAT | 1 (pdf, 475 kB) | 2 (pdf, 942 kB) |
WPT Register Ltd (World Patent and Trademark) | 1 (pdf, 1,3 MB) | |
WPTD (World Patent & Trademark Database) | 1 (pdf, 893 kB) | 2 (pdf, 1,9 MB) |
World Patent and Trademark Index | 1 (pdf, 1,2 MB) | |
World Patent and Trademark Organization (WPTO s. r. o.) | 1 (pdf, 1,4 MB) | 2 (pdf, 2,8 MB) |
WPTR (World Patent and Trademark Register) | 1 (pdf, 187 kB) 2 (pdf, 964 kB) |
3 (pdf, 438 kB) 4 (pdf, 1,3 MB) |
World Patent and Trademark Organization (WPTORG) | 1 (pdf, 1,0 MB) | 2 (pdf, 1,4 MB) |
WPT service s. r. o. (World Patent & Trademark Service) | 1 (pdf, 677 kB) 2 (pdf, 1,4 MB) |
3 (pdf, 1,1 MB) |
WPTS s.r.o. (World Patent & Trademark Service) | 1 (pdf, 952 kB) | |
World Trademark Monitoring Organization | 1 (pdf, 1,4 MB) | |
WTPR | 1 (pdf, 404 kB) |