- Basic information
- Office Activities Arising out of Strategy Documents
- Contacts
- IP Strategy: The Approach to Promote Industrial Property Rights 2021-2030
- Official information
- Information on Personal Data Protection
- Career abroad
- Mandatory information
- Misconduct notification – Whistleblowing
- Service satisfaction questionnaire
- Quality (ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 22301)
- Warning: Unsolicited offers for conclusion a contract
- Projects Funded by the National Recovery Plan (NRP)
Public procurements
Information about small-scale public contracts, the price of which does not exceed CZK 500,000 excluding VAT, is available on the electronic marketplace – after clicking on the relevant line in the left column marked with the symbol "Id", basic information about the order will appear.
Information on small-scale public contracts, the price of which exceeds CZK 500,000 excluding VAT, and public contracts under the regime of Act No. 134/2016 Coll., on public procurement, as amended, is available on the profile of the contracting authority – under the reference "List of concluded procurement procedures", it is necessary to click on the "Detail" of the procurement procedure, where the necessary information is provided.
Information on public procurement under Act No. 134/2016 Coll., on public procurement, as amended, can also be found in the Public Procurement Gazette. Public Procurement Gazette – Ministry of Regional Development.