Fees for procedure before the Office and interrelated fees (administrative fees, maintenance fees). Summary of variable symbols (identifiers used for domestic payments in Czechia) can be found at the following page: variable symbols.
Click one of the headers below to display fees related to a particular type of IP right.
Act No. 634/2004 Coll. on administrative fees
List of administrative fees
(fees are payable to the account: 3711-21526001/0710)
Variable symbols and numbering of patent applications and European patent applications
The patent application number is designated: PV, four-digit year of filing, dash and serial number.
For example: PV 2000-156, 2008-1298
The variable symbol (VS) consists of the digit 1 + year (four digits) + application serial number
For example: for PV 2000-156, VS is: 12000156; for PV 2008-1298, VS is: 120081298.
In case a payment is being made for a newly filed application and the payer has no knowledge of its number, the fee can be paid using the first number of the variable symbol only, i.e. 1. In such case, the name of the payer’s account has to be identical with the name of the applicant or the patent agent so that the payment can be identified.
The number of European patent is designated: EP + number of European patent
For example: EP 1444521
The variable symbol for EP is the number of European patent, for example: 1444521.
Item 126
Fee | CZK |
issue of a duplicate, copy, statement from the register, files, official documents and records per page or part thereof | 100 |
per page or part thereof, if made on a photocopier or on a computer printer | 15 |
For the purposes of this Act, each part of page means an issued A4 or smaller format page.
ITEM 127
Fee | CZK |
a) Receipt of the request | |
for the first extension of the term | 200 |
for each subsequent extension of the term | 500 |
for excuse of failure to comply with the term | 1,000 |
b) Receipt of the appeal against the decision of the Industrial Property Office | 1,000 |
c) Receipt of the request | |
for issuance of the priority right certificate (priority document) | 600 |
for registration of an assignment | 600 |
for registration of the licence | 600 |
for registration of the right of lien | 600 |
for conversion of European application for each state to which the application is sent | 600 |
ITEM 128
Fee | CZK |
a) Receipt of a patent application | 1,200 |
where the author(s) is (are) the only applicant(s) | 600 |
b) Receipt of the request | |
for publication prior to the term specified by law | 800 |
for disclosure of the translation of claims contained in the European patent application including disclosure of corrections made in the translation | 500 |
c) Receipt of the request for full examination of patent application | 3,000 |
for 11th and each additional asserted patent claim | 500 |
d) Issuance of a patent document within the extent of | |
ten typed pages | 1,600 |
for each additional page | 100 |
e) Publication of translation of specification of the European patent | 2,000 |
for publication of corrections made in the translation | 100 |
f) Submission of translation of specification of the European patent within the supplementary period | 3,000 |
ITEM 129
Fee | CZK |
a) Receipt of the request for determination whether the technical solution falls within the scope of the patent | 5,000 |
b) Receipt of the application for revocation | |
of the patent after the expiration of six months from the patent effective date | 2,000 |
Variable symbols and numbering of international applications in accordance with the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
The application number is designated: PCT/CZ, four-digit year of filing, slash, zeroes to complete the total five-digit number and application serial number
For example: PCT/CZ2000/00049, PCT/2008/00001
Variable symbol (VS) consists of the digit 5 + year (four digits) + application serial number
For example: for PCT/CZ2000/00049, VS is: 5200000049; for PCT/CZ 2009/00001, VS is: 5200900001.
In case a payment is being made for a newly filed application and the payer has no knowledge of its number, the fee can be paid using the first number of the variable symbol only, i.e. 5. In such case, the name of the payer’s account has to be identical with the name of the applicant or the patent agent so that the payment can be identified.
Item 130
Fee | CZK |
Acts of the Industrial Property Office connected with the filing of an international application in accordance with the Patent Cooperation Treaty | 1,500 |
Act No. 173/2002 Coll. on fees for maintenance of patents and supplementary
protection certificates for medicinal products and for plant protection products,
and on amendment of some acts
List of fees for maintenance of patents in force
(fees are payable to the account: 80012-21526001/0710)
Variable symbols (VS): The patent number is used as the variable symbol.
For example: for patent No. 289326, VS is: 289326.
Fee | CZK |
a) for the first year after the filing date of the patent application | 1,000 |
b) for the secondyear after the filing date of the patent application | 1,000 |
c) for the third year after the filing date of the patent application | 1,000 |
d) for the fourth year after the filing date of the patent application | 1,000 |
e) for the fifth year after the filing date of the patent application | 2,000 |
f) for the sixth year after the filing date of the patent application | 2,000 |
g) for the seventh year after the filing date of the patent application | 2,000 |
h) for the eighth year after the filing date of the patent application | 2,000 |
i) for the nineth year after the filing date of the patent application | 3,000 |
j) for the tenth year after the filing date of the patent application | 4,000 |
k) for the eleventh year after the filing date of the patent application | 6,000 |
l) for the twelfth year after the filing date of the patent application | 8,000 |
m) for the thirteenth year after the filing date of the patent application | 10,000 |
n) for the fourteenth year after the filing date of the patent application | 12,000 |
o) for the fifteenth year after the filing date of the patent application | 14,000 |
p) for the sixteenth year after the filing date of the patent application | 16,000 |
q) for the seventeenth year after the filing date of the patent application | 18,000 |
r) for the eighteenth year after the filing date of the patent application | 20,000 |
s) for the nineteenth year after the filing date of the patent application | 22,000 |
t) for the twentieth year after the filing date of the patent application | 24,000 |
List of fees for maintenance of European patents in force
(fees are payable to the account: 35-21526001/0710)
Variable symbols (VS): The European patent number is used as the variable symbol.
For example: for European patent No. 1328015, VS is: 1328015.
First renewal fee falling due within two months of the publication in the European Patent Bulletin of the mention of the grant of the European patent is deemed to have been validly paid if it is paid within that period.
As bank transfers (in particular via correspondent foreign banks) may result in the loss of the identification data provided for the payment it is necessary to accompany the payment order with an e-mail notification to the Office (to posta@upv.gov.cz) containing at least the date of the payment, the identification of the payer and the purpose of the payment.
Fee | CZK |
a) for the first year after the filing date of the European patent | 1,000 |
b) for the secondyear after the filing date of the European patent | 1,000 |
c) for the third year after the filing date of the European patent | 1,000 |
d) for the fourth year after the filing date of the European patent | 1,000 |
e) for the fifth year after the filing date of the European patent | 2,000 |
f) for the sixth year after the filing date of the European patent | 2,000 |
g) for the seventh year after the filing date of the European patent | 2,000 |
h) for the eighth year after the filing date of the European patent | 2,000 |
i) for the nineth year after the filing date of the European patent | 3,000 |
j) for the tenth year after the filing date of the European patent | 4,000 |
k) for the eleventh year after the filing date of the European patent | 6,000 |
l) for the twelfth year after the filing date of the European patent | 8,000 |
m) for the thirteenth year after the filing date of the European patent | 10,000 |
n) for the fourteenth year after the filing date of the European patent | 12,000 |
o) for the fifteenth year after the filing date of the European patent | 14,000 |
p) for the sixteenth year after the filing date of the European patent | 16,000 |
q) for the seventeenth year after the filing date of the European patent | 18,000 |
r) for the eighteenth year after the filing date of the European patent | 20,000 |
s) for the nineteenth year after the filing date of the European patent | 22,000 |
t) for the twentieth year after the filing date of the European patent | 24,000 |
Utility models
Act No. 634/2004 Coll. on administrative fees
Appendix: List of administrative fees
(fees are payable to the account: 3711-21526001/0710)
Variable symbols and numbering of utility model applications
The application number is designated: PUV, four-digit year of filing, dash and serial number
For example: PUV 2000-10856, PUV 2008-19627
The variable symbol (VS) consists of the digit 6 + year (four digits) + application serial number
For example: for PUV 2000-10856, VS is: 1200010856; for PUV 2008-19627, VS is: 1200819627.
In case a payment is being made for a newly filed application and the payer has no knowledge of its number, the fee can be paid using the first number of the variable symbol only, i.e. 6. In such case, the name of the payer’s account has to be identical with the name of the applicant or the agent so that the payment can be identified.
The variable symbol for extension of the term of validity of the utility model registration:
The variable symbol consists of the digit 6 + utility model registration number.
For example: for the registration number 13528, VS is: 613528.
Item 126
Fee | CZK |
issue of a duplicate, copy, statement from the register, files, official documents and records per page or part thereof | 100 |
per page or part thereof, if made on a photocopier or on a computer printer | 15 |
For the purposes of this Act, each part of page means an issued A4 or smaller format page.
ITEM 127
Fee | CZK |
a) Receipt of the request | |
for the first extension of the term | 200 |
for each subsequent extension of the term | 500 |
for excuse of failure to comply with the term | 1,000 |
b) Receipt of the appeal against the decision of the Industrial Property Office | 1,000 |
c) Receipt of the request | |
for issuance of the priority right certificate (priority document) | 600 |
for registration of an assignment | 600 |
for registration of the licence | 600 |
for registration of the right of lien | 600 |
for conversion of European application for each state to which the application is sent | 600 |
ITEM 131
Fee | CZK |
Receipt of a utility model application | 1,000 |
where the author(s) is (are) the only applicant(s) | 500 |
ITEM 132
Fee | CZK |
Receipt of the request for determination whether the technical solution falls within the scope of the utility model | 5,000 |
ITEM 133
Fee | CZK |
Receipt of the request for cancellation of a utility model from the register | 2,000 |
Item 134
Fee | CZK |
Receipt of the request for each extension of the term of validity of the utility model registration | 6,000 |
- If a utility model is registered after expiration of the term of its validity, the fee for extension of the term of validity is payable within 2 months from the registration date.
- If the fee has not been paid within the specified period, it can be paid within the period of additional six months at the level of double the original amount.
Act No. 634/2004 Coll. on administrative fees
Appendix: List of administrative fees
(fees are payable to the account: 3711-21526001/0710)
Variable symbols and numbering of trade mark applications
The application number is designated: O, dash and serial number.
For example: O-8516, O-141141
The variable symbol (VS) consists of the digit 3 + application serial number.
For example: for O-8516, VS is: 38516; for O-141141, VS is: 3141141.
In case a payment is being made for a newly filed application and the payer has no knowledge of its number, the fee can be paid using the first number of the variable symbol only, i.e. 3. In such case, the name of the payer’s account has to be identical with the name of the applicant or the agent so that the payment can be identified.
Item 126
Fee | CZK |
issue of a duplicate, copy, statement from the register, files, official documents and records per page or part thereof | 100 |
per page or part thereof, if made on a photocopier or on a computer printer | 15 |
For the purposes of this Act, each part of page means an issued A4 or smaller format page.
ITEM 127
Fee | CZK |
a) Receipt of the request | |
for the first extension of the term | 200 |
for each subsequent extension of the term | 500 |
for excuse of failure to comply with the term | 1,000 |
b) Receipt of the appeal against the decision of the Industrial Property Office | 1,000 |
c) Receipt of the request | |
for issuance of the priority right certificate (priority document) | 600 |
for registration of an assignment | 600 |
for registration of the licence | 600 |
for registration of the right of lien | 600 |
for conversion of European application for each state to which the application is sent | 600 |
Item 138
Fee | CZK |
a) Filing of an application for registration | |
of an individual trade mark in three classes of goods or services | 5,000 |
of a collective and certification trade mark in three classes of goods and services | 10,000 |
for any class of goods or services exceeding three classes | 500 |
b) Filing of a request for conversion of an application or a European Union trade mark in three classes of goods or services | 5,000 |
for any class of goods or services exceeding three classes | 500 |
c) Filing of a request for a division of an application | |
for every newly established application | 5,000 |
d) Filing of a request for a division of a registered trade mark | |
for every newly established trade mark | 5,000 |
e) Filing of an opposition to an entry of a published sign in the Register | 1,000 |
Item 139
Fee | CZK |
a) Filing of a request | |
for renewal of the registration of an individual trade mark | 2,500 |
for renewal of the registration of a collective and certification trade mark | 5,000 |
for renewal of the registration of an individual trade mark filed upon the expiry of the protective period, but at the latest within 6 months from that date | 5,000 |
for renewal of the registration of a collective and certification trade mark filed upon the expiry of the protective period, but at the latest within 6 months from that date | 10,000 |
b) Filing of an application for revocation of a trade mark or for a declaration of its invalidity | 2,000 |
Item 140
Fee | CZK |
Filing of | |
an application for registration of an international trade mark | 2,500 |
a request for renewal of the registration of an international trade mark | 3,000 |
a request for territorial extension of the registration of an international trade mark | 500 |
The fees pursuant to Items 140 and 141 b) of this Tariff shall be collected for acts carried out pursuant to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks, the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement, or, possibly, the Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration, with the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization in Geneva.
An overview of the fees levied for acts carried out under the Madrid Agreement on the International Registration of Factory or Trademarks and under the Protocol to the Madrid Agreement with the International Office of the World Intellectual Property Organization in Geneva (WIPO), covering both the administrative fees paid to the Industrial Property Office and the fees paid in Swiss francs to the WIPO International Bureau, can be found here (pdf, 129 kB)
Industrial designs
Act No. 634/2004 Coll. on administrative fees
Appendix: List of administrative fees
(fees are payable to the account: 3711-21526001/0710)
Variable symbols and numbering of industrial design applications
The application number is designated: PVZ, four-digit year of filing, dash and serial number
For example: PVZ 2000-35894, 2008-37337
The variable symbol (VS) consists of the digit 7 + year (four digits) + application serial number
For example: for PVZ 2000-35894, VS is: 7200035894; for PVZ 2008-37337, VS is: 7200837337.
In case a payment is being made for a newly filed application and the payer has no knowledge of its number, the fee can be paid using the first number of the variable symbol only, i.e. 7. In such case, the name of the payer’s account has to be identical with the name of the applicant or the agent so that the payment can be identified.
The variable symbol for renewal of the term of protection of the industrial design:
The variable symbol consists of the digit 7 + industrial design registration number.
For example: for the registration number 30359, VS is: 730359.
Item 126
Fee | CZK |
issue of a duplicate, copy, statement from the register, files, official documents and records per page or part thereof | 100 |
per page or part thereof, if made on a photocopier or on a computer printer | 15 |
For the purposes of this Act, each part of page means an issued A4 or smaller format page.
ITEM 127
Fee | CZK |
a) Receipt of the request | |
for the first extension of the term | 200 |
for each subsequent extension of the term | 500 |
for excuse of failure to comply with the term | 1,000 |
b) Receipt of the appeal against the decision of the Industrial Property Office | 1,000 |
c) Receipt of the request | |
for issuance of the priority right certificate (priority document) | 600 |
for registration of an assignment | 600 |
for registration of the licence | 600 |
for registration of the right of lien | 600 |
for conversion of European application for each state to which the application is sent | 600 |
Item 135
Fee | CZK |
a) Receipt of an industrial design application | 1,000 |
where the author(s) is (are) the only applicant(s) | 500 |
b) Receipt of a multiple application for an industrial design | 1,000 |
where the author(s) is (are) the only applicant(s) | 500 |
for each additional industrial design contained in the application | 600 |
for each additional industrial design contained in the application where the author(s) is(are) the only applicant(s) | 300 |
Item 136
Fee | CZK |
Receipt of the request for cancellation of an industrial design from the register | 2,000 |
for each additional industrial design contained in the multiple registration of an industrial design | 800 |
Item 137
Fee | CZK |
Receipt of the request for renewal of the term of protection of the industrial design | |
for the first time by 5 years | 3,000 |
for the secondtime by 5 years | 6,000 |
for the third time by 5 years | 9,000 |
for the fourth time by 5 years | 12,000 |
- If an industrial design is registered after expiration of the term of its validity, the fee for extension of the protection is payable within 2 months from the registration date.
- If the fee has not been paid within the specified period, it can be paid within the period of additional six months at the level of double the original amount.
Act No. 207/2000 Coll. on protection of industrial designs
(Section 34(2))
(fees are payable to the account: 19-21526001/0710)
Variable symbols and numbering of applications for Registered Community Designs
The application number is designated for internal needs of the Industrial Property Office only and cannot be used in communication with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).
The application number is designated: RCD, four-digit year of filing, dash and serial number.
For example: RCD 2007-7, RCD 2008-15
The variable symbol (VS) consists of the digits 777 + year (four digits) + application serial number
For example: for RCD 2007-7, VS is: 77720077; for RCD 2008-15, VS is: 777200815.
Fee | CZK |
Transmittal of the application for a Registered Community Design to the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Ttrade Marks and Designs) | 500 |
Geographical denominations and appellations of origin
Act No. 634/2004 Coll. on administrative fees
Appendix: List of administrative fees
(fees are payable to the account: 3711-21526001/0710)
Variable symbols and numbering of applications for appellations of origin/geographical indications
The application number is designated: OP/ZO, four-digit year of filing + serial number
For example: OP/ZO 2003-209, OP/ZO 2006-234
The variable symbol (VS) consists of the digit 8 + year (four digits) + application serial number.
For example: for OP/ZO 2003-209, VS is: 82003209; for OP/ZO 2006-325, VS is: 82006325.
In case a payment is being made for a newly filed application and the payer has no knowledge of its number, the fee can be paid using the first number of the variable symbol only, i.e. 8. In such case, the name of the payer’s account has to be identical with the name of the applicant or the agent so that the payment can be identified.
Item 126
Fee | CZK |
issue of a duplicate, copy, statement from the register, files, official documents and records per page or part thereof | 100 |
per page or part thereof, if made on a photocopier or on a computer printer | 15 |
For the purposes of this Act, each part of page means an issued A4 or smaller format page.
ITEM 127
Fee | CZK |
a) Receipt of the request | |
for the first extension of the term | 200 |
for each subsequent extension of the term | 500 |
for excuse of failure to comply with the term | 1,000 |
b) Receipt of the appeal against the decision of the Industrial Property Office | 1,000 |
c) Receipt of the request | |
for issuance of the priority right certificate (priority document) | 600 |
for registration of an assignment | 600 |
for registration of the licence | 600 |
for registration of the right of lien | 600 |
for conversion of European application for each state to which the application is sent | 600 |
Item 141
Fee | CZK |
a) Filing of an application for registration of the appellation of origin/geographical indication | 4,000 |
b) Filing of an application for international registration of the appellation of origin | 2,500 |
c) Filing of an application for revocation of the registration of the appellation of origin/geographical appellation | 2,000 |
d) Handover of an application for protection of the appellation of origin/geographical appellation to the European Commission | 500 |
The fees pursuant to Items 140 and 141 b) of this Tariff shall be collected for acts carried out pursuant to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks, the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement, or, possibly, the Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration, with the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization in Geneva.
Supplementary protection certificates (SPC)
Act No. 634/2004 Coll. on administrative fees
List of administrative fees
(fees are payable to the account: 3711-21526001/0710)
Variable symbols and numbering of applications for grant of a supplementary protection certificate
The application number is designated: SPC/CZ, four-digit year of filing, slash and serial number
For example: SPC/CZ 2002/35, SPC/CZ 2007/105
The variable symbol (VS) consists of the digit 9 + year (four digits) + application serial number.
For example: for SPC/CZ 2002/35, VS is: 9200235; for SPC/CZ 2007/105, VS is: 92007105
In case a payment is being made for a newly filed application and the payer has no knowledge of its number, the fee can be paid using the first number of the variable symbol only, i.e. 9. In such case, the name of the payer’s account has to be identical with the name of the applicant or the agent so that the payment can be identified.
Item 126
Fee | CZK |
issue of a duplicate, copy, statement from the register, files, official documents and records per page or part thereof | 100 |
per page or part thereof, if made on a photocopier or on a computer printer | 15 |
For the purposes of this Act, each part of page means an issued A4 or smaller format page.
ITEM 127
Fee | CZK |
a) Receipt of the request | |
for the first extension of the term | 200 |
for each subsequent extension of the term | 500 |
for excuse of failure to comply with the term | 1,000 |
b) Receipt of the appeal against the decision of the Industrial Property Office | 1,000 |
c) Receipt of the request | |
for issuance of the priority right certificate (priority document) | 600 |
for registration of an assignment | 600 |
for registration of the licence | 600 |
for registration of the right of lien | 600 |
for conversion of European application for each state to which the application is sent | 600 |
Item 128
Fee | CZK |
Filing of a request issuance of a supplementary protective certificate | 5,000 |
Filing of a request for paediatric extension of the supplementary protective certificate | 5,000 |
Item 129
Fee | CZK |
a) Receipt of the request for determination whether the technical solution falls within the scope of the patent | 5,000 |
b) Receipt of the request for revocation | |
of the supplementary protection certificate | 2,000 |
Act No. 173/2002 Coll. on fees for maintenance of patents and supplementary protection certificates for medicinal products and for plant protection products, and on amendment of some acts
List of fees for maintenance of supplementary protection certificates in force
(fees are payable to the account: 80012-21526001/0710)
Variable symbols (VS): The patent number is used as the variable symbol.
For example: for patent No. 289832, VS is: 289832.
Fee | Fee |
a) for the first year of the supplementary protection certificate validity | 26,000 |
b) for the second year of the supplementary protection certificate validity | 28,000 |
c) for the third year of the supplementary protection certificate validity | 30,000 |
d) for the fourth year of the supplementary protection certificate validity | 32,000 |
e) for the fifth year of the supplementary protection certificate validity | 34,000 |
Topographies of Semiconductor products
Act No. 634/2004 Coll. on administrative fees
Appendix: List of administrative fees
(fees are payable to the account: 3711-21526001/0710)
Variable symbols and numbering of applications for topographies of semiconductor products
The application number is designated: PTO, four-digit year of filing, dash and serial number
For example: PTO 2000-8, 2007-10
The variable symbol (VS) consists of the digit 4 + year (four digits) + application serial number.
For example: for PTO 2000-8, VS is: 420008; for PTO 2007-10, VS is: 4200710
In case a payment is being made for a newly filed application and the payer has no knowledge of its number, the fee can be paid using the first number of the variable symbol only, i.e. 4. In such case, the name of the payer’s account has to be identical with the name of the applicant or the agent so that the payment can be identified.
Item 126
Fee | CZK |
issue of a duplicate, copy, statement from the register, files, official documents and records per page or part thereof | 100 |
per page or part thereof, if made on a photocopier or on a computer printer | 15 |
For the purposes of this Act, each part of page means an issued A4 or smaller format page.
ITEM 127
Fee | CZK |
a) Receipt of the request | |
for the first extension of the term | 200 |
for each subsequent extension of the term | 500 |
for excuse of failure to comply with the term | 1,000 |
b) Receipt of the appeal against the decision of the Industrial Property Office | 1,000 |
c) Receipt of the request | |
for issuance of the priority right certificate (priority document) | 600 |
for registration of an assignment | 600 |
for registration of the licence | 600 |
for registration of the right of lien | 600 |
for conversion of European application for each state to which the application is sent | 600 |
Item 142
Fee | CZK |
Receipt of an application for a topography of semiconductor products | 5,000 |
Item 143
Fee | CZK |
Receipt of the request for cancellation of a topography of semiconductor products from the register | 2,000 |