- Basic information
- Office Activities Arising out of Strategy Documents
- Contacts
- IP Strategy: The Approach to Promote Industrial Property Rights 2021-2030
- Official information
- Information on Personal Data Protection
- Career abroad
- Mandatory information
- Misconduct notification – Whistleblowing
- Service satisfaction questionnaire
- Quality (ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 22301)
- Warning: Unsolicited offers for conclusion a contract
- Projects Funded by the National Recovery Plan (NRP)
Projects Funded by the National Recovery Plan (NRP)
The Industrial Property Office is implementing two projects supported by the National Recovery Plan (NRP). The National Recovery Plan is backed by the Recovery and Resilience Facility (NextGenerationEU plan), established by Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 February 2021.
Services of Technical and patent information system (TaPIS)
This project involves the creation of a search system that utilizes patent information from various sources. Unlike existing search databases, this system allows users to input queries in free text (natural language) and employs artificial intelligence methods. The system works with a broader data base that better represents the global state of the art. The project complements existing public systems with an expert-level system that remains user-friendly and efficient. Additionally, the system provides classification suggestions for uploaded text based on the International Patent Classification (IPC).
The project’s output is available here.
The project is part of NRP Pillar 1: Digital Transformation, Component 1.1: Digital Services for Citizens and Businesses, within Investment 1: Digital Services for End Users under Call No. 17.
Project registration number: CZ.31.1.0/0.0/0.0/22_036/0008947
Directing authority: Ministry of the Interior
Improving cybersecurity of IPO CZ infrastructure
A priority of the Industrial Property Office is the protection of clients' sensitive technological and commercial information. To ensure the full range of the Office’s services, it is also essential to maintain uninterrupted operation of information systems, free from disruptions caused by cyber incidents. The subject and goal of this project are to enhance the cybersecurity of the Industrial Property Office by:
- increasing the security of network operations,
- implementing a central identity management tool, and
- improving the backup system (hardware upgrade).
The project is part of NRP Pillar 1: Digital Transformation, Component 1.2: Digital Systems of Public Administration, within Investment 3: Cybersecurity under Call No. 42.
Project registration number: CZ.31.2.0/0.0/0.0/23_094/0010226
Directing authority: Ministry of the Interior