- Basic information
- Office Activities Arising out of Strategy Documents
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- IP Strategy: The Approach to Promote Industrial Property Rights 2021-2030
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- Warning: Unsolicited offers for conclusion a contract
- Projects Funded by the National Recovery Plan (NRP)
Office Activities Arising out of Strategy Documents
Summary of the Office activities within the implementation of the NRP, 2019-2030 Innovation Strategy, 2019-2030 Innovation Strategy Action Plan, International Competitiveness Strategy of the Czech Republic for the period of 2012-2020 and 2012-2020 National Innovation Strategy of the Czech Republic
An overview of the activities of the Industrial Property Office within the implementation of the measures of the National Reform Programme of the Czech Republic, 2019-2030 Innovation Strategy, 2019-2030 Innovation Strategy Action Plan, International Competitiveness Strategy of the Czech Republic for the period of 2012-2020 and the 2012-2020 National Innovation Strategy.
Within the meaning of its legal competence, the Industrial Property Office (hereinafter referred to as “Office”) decides on the provision of legal protection in particular for inventions, utility models, industrial designs, and trademarks, maintains registers of subjects of industrial property rights, and resolves disputable cases and appeals. It also strives to raise awareness of the benefits and optimum methods of using the industrial property protection system to promote entrepreneurship and competitiveness, research, development and innovation.
Thus, at present, the Office performs and participates in the performance of tasks and measures arising out, in particular, of the following documents:
- The National Reform Programme
The National Reform Programme (NRP) is a conceptual economic policy document of the government for a given calendar year. It is presented annually to the European Commission within the European Semester for the coordination of the economic policy of the EU member countries. In April 2019, the government approved of the National Reform Programme of the Czech Republic for 2019. The material contains a set of measures designed to ensure economic growth and stable employment. This annual update is submitted within the so-called European Semester by the European Commission, which evaluates the economic policy of the Czech Republic and proposes the following key measures designed to lead to the prosperity and competitiveness of the Czech Republic. The measures are based on the government's programme priorities and linked to other strategic materials and action plans at national level. The NRP takes account of the economic and social priorities of the European Union. The NRP reflects the progress made in the field of research, development and innovation in the previous year and contains plans for the given year and provide a framework for the national R&D&I policy. - The Innovation Strategy for 2019-2030
At the beginning of 2019, the Research, Development and Innovation Council (RDIC) and then the Government of the Czech Republic approved of a key document of the Innovation Strategy of the Czech Republic for 2019-2030, which was prepared by the RDIC in close cooperation with a team of personalities from among entrepreneurs, scientists, academics and representatives of the public administration. The document sets out new priorities, the fulfilment of which should include the Czech Republic among the most innovative countries of Europe by 2030. The strategy consists of nine pillars: Financing and Evaluation of Research and Development, Innovation and Research Centres, National Start-Up and Spin-Off Environment, Polytechnical Education, Digitalization, Mobility and Building Environment, Intellectual Property Protection, Smart Investment and Smart Marketing.
The Industrial Property Office, together with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, is responsible for one of the strategy pillars, specifically for the Intellectual Property Protection. This is the first time that intellectual property protection support is addressed systematically in the history of the Czech Republic by adopting this document. - The Innovation Strategy Action Plan for 2019-2030
The 2030 Innovation Strategy Action Plan is a fundamental tool of the Strategy. It is regularly updated on the basis of the outputs of the pillar guarantors and work teams.
The 2030 Innovation Strategy Action Plan of the Czech Republic is a set of priority projects (activities) of the individual pillars of the Strategy. It consists of partial project cards describing individual legislative measures, financial measures and physical projects / products implemented within the Strategy.
The 2030 IS Action Plan, together with the Implementation Report, is regularly updated on an annual basis and submitted to the RDIC and the Government of the Czech Republic for discussion.
The IPO has a total of 4 project cards in the Action Plan, in which, among other things, the creation of an Intellectual Property Protection Support Concept is planned and designed to include:
- increasing the awareness of the intellectual property protection at all levels of education
- increasing the awareness of the intellectual property protection in the application sphere
- setting motivation of scientific workplaces for the transfer of technologies
- on a continuous basis, taking account of the intellectual property protection when defining the objectives and measures in strategic and conceptual documents
- ensuring sufficient expertise of those specialising in intellectual property when formulating the conditions for support of the intellectual property protection from public resources
- exploitation of the competence of current specialists in intellectual property within state administration
- provision of the IPR prediagnostic services
- records and promotion of the possibilities of financing the intellectual property protection and administration
- making use of patent information when assessing the programmes and projects assessed from public resources
- assessment of materials discussed by the RDIC in terms of the intellectual property protection support
- presence of an “IP ambassador” at the departments and offices that administratively ensure the R&D&I activities (for better coordination of the activities related to intellectual property protection)
- definition of the kinds of the R&D&I results so that research outputs are not registered for ineffective industrial property for the government’s money
- cooperation in defining the intellectual property protection principles within international organisations
- making use of patent information when formulating scientific, research and innovative intentions - The International Competitiveness Strategy of the Czech Republic for the Period of 2012-2020, adopted by the Government of the Czech Republic on 27 September 2011, requires the Office to set up and deepen cooperation with business incubators, innovation centres, science and technology parks, technology transfer centres and other similar entities. Another task is to raise the awareness of entrepreneurs as regards the conditions, benefits and opportunities of obtaining protection of intellectual property, facilitate foreign patenting and cooperate in establishing the concept of regular and targeted training in universities.
- The National Innovation Strategy of the Czech Republic for 2012-2020
The National Innovation Strategy of the Czech Republic approved by the Government of the Czech Republic by Resolution No. 714 of 27 September 2011 follows the International Competitiveness Strategy and is based on the analysis of the innovation environment of the Czech Republic.
The Office shall perform and support activities that contribute to raising awareness of industrial property protection issues and creating a favourable environment for technical creative activities, good orientation in relevant legislation and awareness of innovation projects. In doing so, it pays particular attention to entrepreneurs, researchers, educators and the young generation. It focuses on working with secondary school and university students and young people interested in the field and organises student excursions at its headquarters and seminars at schools. The Office offers a number of courses aimed at information on the advantages and possibilities of protecting industrial property, on the sources of patent information and on working with databases of patents, utility models, industrial designs and trademarks, technology transfer, the resolution of patent disputes and the fight against counterfeiting and piracy.
Through its Industrial Property Training Institute, the Office offers a two-year specialisation study of industrial rights, which is intended for entrepreneurs, staff of research and development institutions, universities, innovation support and technology transfer institutions, start-ups and lawyers.
The Office provides continuous support to state administration bodies in the field of the intellectual property rights enforcement. The Office is an associated partner in the “Value Intellectual Property for SMEs (VIP4SME)” project. This is a project funded by the European Commission. The main objective is to establish and deepen cooperation between organisations and institutions focused on small and medium-sized enterprises, promote stakeholders and raise awareness of their activities among Czech companies.Summary of the Office Activities Arising out of Strategic Documents
In 2020
2020 was announced THE YEAR OF SMALL BUSINESS
On 05 February 2020 the Office organised, within support of the international competitiveness of Czech companies, a seminar aimed at obtaining basic knowledge of industrial property for entrepreneurs, students and the wider public entitled Introduction to Industrial Rights. The seminar programme focused on the concept and content of intellectual and industrial property, the possibilities of protection, the activities and mission of the Industrial Property Office and the information services provided by the Office.
On 07 February 2020 the Office hosted a seminar called “Patents in the Pharmaceutical Sector - Key Developments”. The seminar programme focused on the development of registration in this field and included examples from practice and answered the participants’ questions about this issue.
On 06-08 February 2020 the Office took part in the Roofs Prague Trade Fair, which was held within the set of trade fairs of Roofs Prague, Solar Prague and Craft Prague and welcomed more than 25,000 visitors. The Office staff answered questions regarding industrial protection (both in the Czech Republic and abroad) and presented the possibilities of search databases freely accessible on the internet.
On 19 February 2020 the Office organised, within support of the international competitiveness of Czech companies, a seminar entitled "Technical Solutions - Invention/Utility Model" dedicated to basic information on the protection of technical solutions for entrepreneurs, R&D workers, students and the wider public. The workshop programme included information on patents and utility models, the procedure for applying for an invention and a utility model – the course and details of the proceedings, particulars of applications, conditions of patentability, conditions of registration capacity.
On 24 February 2020 the Office hosted a seminar called “The International Trademarks - Current Changes to the Madrid System and Practical Notes to the Procedure”. The participants in the workshop learned about the current developments in the area of international trademarks and about the principles of their registration through the World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO. The main attention was focused on observations and tips from the practice of proceedings before the WIPO, new types of trademarks were also mentioned in the international context and information on the continuation of protection after Brexit was provided.
On 04 March 2020, as part of the activities resulting from the Innovation Strategy of the Czech Republic, the Office organised a seminar for entrepreneurs, students and the wider public focusing on basic information on the protection of designation rights. The programme dealt with basic information on national trademarks and EU trade marks, as well as on proceedings on trade mark applications – the course and details, particulars of the application, obstacles to registration capacity and the EUIPO Convergence Programmes.
17 April 2020 - The Industrial Property Office organized an online interactive seminar for the public called The National Database of Patents and Utility Models, during which the participants became familiar with the contents and basic functionalities of the database.
24 April 2020 - another online interactive seminar was held for the public, this time focusing on the National Trademarks Database.
06 May 2020 – another online interactive seminar for the public took place, dealing with the Espacenet database, the interface of which has undergone a major change last year.
14 May 2020 – the online seminar held focused on two sources of information, the Patentscope database and the European Patent Register.
22 May 2020 – an online interactive seminar was held for the public again, this time focused on the National Trademarks Database.
28 May 2020 — the Office held an online workshop dedicated to the TMView database.
04 June 2020 – a representative of the Office appeared at a seminar for the Technical University of Liberec and gave a lecture on the European Patent.
11 June 2020 – an online seminar was held, which presented the Database of Judicial and Administrative Decisions.
10 September 2020 – a representative of the Office appeared in the Moravian Library in Brno during a seminar for the public with presentations on the introduction to the industrial rights system and the industrial information databases.
15 September 2020 - another of the autumn series of online interactive seminars for the public dedicated to the National Patent Database.
22 September 2020 – The Office organised an online seminar called “The Introduction to Industrial Property Rights” familiarising listeners with the system of industrial property rights in the Czech Republic.
30 September 2020 - Online seminar: Appreciate Your Innovations! Protect Them! The seminar was designed for interested entrepreneurs, R&D workers, students and the wider public. During the seminar, the listeners became familiar with the basic terms of industrial property rights and intellectual property, with the individual subjects of industrial property protection, including legislation and information, the course of proceedings, requirements for granting protection in the Czech Republic, and the possibility of obtaining protection for technical solutions abroad. Freely accessible databases of industrial property information and ways in which searches can be carried out were also presented. The Office organised this seminar as an accompanying event in association with the 2020 Innovation Week and under the 2019-2030 Innovation Strategy.
03 October 2020 – a representative of the Office appeared at an online seminar for the Technical University of Liberec with a lecture on the introduction to the issue of industrial property rights and related information.
08 October 2020 – an online seminar was held presenting the National Trademarks Database.
13 October 2020 – two online seminars were held, the topic of which was the Espacenet database and trademarks.
13 October 2020 – a representative of the Office appeared at an online seminar for the Technical University of Ostrava with a lecture providing the introduction to industrial property rights and related information.
20 October 2020 - another of the autumn series of online interactive seminars for the public dedicated to the PATENTSCOPE database.
21 October 2020 - an online seminar was held to familiarise the audience with the Madrid Monitor database.
22 October 2020 - two online workshops focusing on the 9 TM View database and design protection through the industrial design.
26 October 2020 – a representative of the Office appeared at an online seminar for the Technical University of Liberec with a presentation providing introduction to the industrial property rights and related information.
03 November 2020 – a representative of the Office appeared at an online workshop for the University of Chemistry and Technology with a presentation acquainting listeners with the patent databases.
On 03 November an online seminar was also held for the public providing information on the industrial property rights system in the Czech Republic.
05 November 2020 – a representative of the Office appeared at an online seminar for the University of Hradec Králové with a presentation providing information on the industrial property rights.
10-11 November 2020 — two online seminars were focusing on the trademarks and providing introduction to the industrial property rights system.
19 and 26 November 2020 – two online seminars for the Technical University of Ostrava took place, focusing on the topic of patent and utility models application proceedings.
On 25 November 2020 an online seminar was held for the professional public in cooperation with the Supreme Court focusing on the Amendment to the Trademarks Act.
30 November 2020 - an online seminar was held for the Czech Technical University in Prague providing the audience with basic information on the industrial property rights.
09 December 2020 – a representative of the Office appeared at an on-line seminar for the University of Economics and Business with a presentation introducing the issue of industrial property rights and activities of the Industrial Property Office.
On 11 December 2020 an online seminar was held for the public focusing on Intellectual Property in Business.
11 December 2020 – a representative of the Office appeared at an online seminar for the Technical University of Liberec with a lecture dedicated to the registration of technical solutions abroad.In 2019
On 31 January 2019 a seminar “Introduction to Industrial Property Rights” focused on basic information on the protection of industrial rights for entrepreneurs, R&D workers, students and the wider public.
On 23 January 2019 the Office hosted a seminar of the Czech Union of Inventors and Rationalizers called Unfair Competition and Its Interpretation in the Light of Industrial Property Rights, which was intended for all those involved in the issue of protection of industrial property rights and their enforcement, as well as in the assessment of the rights of other competitors prior to their own entry in the market.
07 February 2019 - Seminar “Technical Solutions – Invention / Utility Model” dedicated to basic information on the protection of technical solutions and intended for entrepreneurs, R&D workers, students and the wider public.
07 March 2019 - Seminar “Designation of Origin and Geographical Designations” focused on basic information on the protection of technical solutions for entrepreneurs, R&D workers, students and the wider public.
On 14 March 2019 a seminar “Trademarks Case Law of the Court of Justice of the EU” organised in cooperation with the EUIPO was held in the premises of the Office. The topics of the seminar were selected case laws associated with trademarks. The seminar was intended for representatives and professionals working in the industry or businesses, as well as to the public.
On 27 March 2019 the “Design Protection” seminar was held for business people, R&D workers, students and the wider public with a view to providing information on the protection of industrial designs for entrepreneurs, R&D workers, students and the wider public.
On 28 March 2019 the Office hosted a seminar of the Czech Union of Inventors and Rationalizers called The Innovation Strategy of the Czech Republic for 2019 – 2030 and Its Usability for Support of Technical Solutions Protection, which was intended for the public.
On 25-29 March 2019 the 22nd year of the International Exhibition of Inventions and Innovative Technologies of ARCHIMEDES was held in the Sokolniki exhibition site in Moscow. It was the fourth time that the Industrial Property Office participated as an exhibitor. In addition to information on the industrial property rights protection and information activities of the Office, the Office also presented the organisation of the third year of the INVENT ARENA exhibition, the international trade fair for technical innovations, patents and inventions. The ARCHIMEDES exhibition is organised under the auspices of the international organisation IFIA and with support of the WIPO. Co-organisers include, for example, the Ministry of Defence, Agriculture, Education, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chambers of Commerce and Industry and the Union of Russian Inventors and Improvers. The Office's activities aimed at raising industrial awareness among children and young people and among the wider public were presented in the stand of the Office. As usual, a part of the exposition was devoted to children’s inventions.
09 April 2019 The Office, in cooperation with the European Patent Office, organised a seminar on the following topic: How to understand search reports and written opinions (Intermediate level), which was attended by visitors from among representatives, lawyers, professionals working in the industry or businesses, as well as the public.
A series of seminars dedicated to industrial property databases took place in April:
On 03 April 2019 “Espacenet Database and Database of Patents and Utility Models of the Industrial Property Office”
On 04 April 2019 “Database of Trademarks”
On 17 April 2019 “Patentscope Database, USPTO, Google Search”
On 24 April 2019 “Asian Databases”
On 25 April 2019 “Database of Designs”
During these seminars, entrepreneurs, research and development workers, students and the broader public learned about the principles of using of and searching in these significant sources of information, which are freely accessible. The presentation was completed with practical demonstrations and examples allowing the participants to test the databases on their own.
On 24 April 2019 the Office, in cooperation with the US Embassy, prepared an event for schools called The Amazing Theatre of Physics (UDiF) in the IPO at the occasion of celebrations of the World Intellectual Property Day (26 April 2019). During the programme, children learned how intellectual property is protected in our country and representatives of the US Embassy in the Czech Republic told them how important the protection of these rights is. They also familiarised themselves with the US Patent and Trademark Office. The next part of the programme involved a performance of the Amazing Theatre of Physics, which explained the gist and significance of intellectual property in a resourceful and professional way by using examples of the practical use of physical phenomena in inventions which children can come across in their daily lives. The Office was visited by a total of 130 primary school pupils.
On 25 April 2019 students of the Božena Němcová Grammar School, Hradec Králové, had an excursion in the Office. During the excursion, the students became familiar with the industrial property rights protection system, industrial property information and the premises of the Office where information services are provided to the public.
On 25 April 2019 the Office held a seminar focusing on gaining basic knowledge concerning work in the industrial design databases of the IPO, Hague Express and eSearch as part of support of the international competitiveness of the Czech Republic; the seminar was intended for interested parties from among entrepreneurs, research and development workers, students and the broad public. The seminar also included some practical examples of library research.
On 22 May 2019 the Office hosted an EPO event called “The Round Table: Practice and Procedures for Patenting Inventions from the Field of Pharmacy and Biotechnology”, public discussion meetings of applicants, representatives and other professional public with experts from the EPO and IPO on the subject of practices and procedures for patenting inventions from the field of pharmacy and biotechnology. In the programme, the EPO’s practice was detailed as regards the assessment of applications and participants’ questions from this field were answered.
On 23 May 2019 the Office organised a seminar as an accompanying event within the 2019 Innovations Week in support of the international competitiveness of the Czech Republic; the seminar was designed for business people, research and development workers, students and the wider public and was entitled Appreciate Your Innovations! Protect Them! The seminar programme focused on basic concepts from the field of industrial property and intellectual property rights and presented individual subjects of the industrial property protection, including legislation and information on the possibilities of submission of applications, course of proceedings, formal and factual requirements for granting protection in the Czech Republic and the effects of rights, the possibility of obtaining protection for technical solutions abroad, and presented to visitors freely accessible databases of industrial property information and the ways in which searches can be carried out therein. During an optional excursion, visitors had an opportunity to see the premises of the Office more closely.
On 29 May 2019, the Office organised a seminar intended for the professional public as well as for parties wishing to register trademarks: Trademarks - First Experience with the Act Application after Great Amendment. The seminar provided detailed interpretation of the Act No. 441/2003 Coll., on Trademarks, as amended, especially with a focus on the changes that led to the extensive amendment to the Act on 01 January 2019. The aim of the seminar was to provide knowledge in this field acquired during the effectiveness of the new legislation and also to draw attention to the interpretation ambiguities that the practice brings. The seminar thus freely followed the interpretation of the amendment to the Trademark Act of January 2019. During and at the end of the workshop the participants had an opportunity to ask questions.
On 4-5 June 2019, under the auspices of the Ministry of Science and Development, the town of Katowice, the Polish Patent Office, the Regional Chamber of Commerce and other institutions, the 12th year of the INTARG International Trade Fair of Inventions and Innovations took place in Katowice, Poland. It was the second time the Industrial Property Office presented itself at this trade fair. And it especially presented its activities aimed at raising awareness of the industrial property rights protection, especially among children and young people. Another part of the activities was dedicated to the promotion of the second year of the Invent Arena Exhibition in Třinec. Seminars, presentations of individual exhibitors, discussion panels and round tables were included in the accompanying trade fair program.
The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic hosted another year of the Science Trade Fair at the Letňany exhibition site on 06-08 June 2019. Many interactive expositions of the Czech Academy of Sciences and other organisations were prepared for the children and young audience to whom the fair is primarily intended, which gave children an attractive opportunity to view the world of science and technology. The Office was represented here by means of its own information stand. The children could test their knowledge in games within which they connected famous inventors and their inventions and searched titles to patent document pictures. In particular, materials intended for children and students were distributed, especially a leaflet on intellectual property, comics on patents, trademarks and copyright, a leaflet explaining the form and content of a patent file, and an offer presented by the School Authority. There was also other printed matter providing information to the adults. The Office workers also familiarised visitors with freely accessible databases on the Internet and answered questions asked by both young and adult visitors about the industrial property rights and related matters. www.veletrhvedy.cz
On 11 June 2019 the Office organised, in support of the international competitiveness of Czech companies, a seminar entitled The Designation Rights focusing on basic information on the protection of designation rights for entrepreneurs, students and the wider public.
On 12 June 2019 a specialised seminar called “Current Issues of the Industrial Property Protection in the Czech Republic” was held in the premises of the Office in cooperation with the Association of Intermediaries and Arbitrators in the Issues of Intellectual Property and the Czech Association for Branded Products.
On 25 June 2019 the Office hosted a seminar titled “The PCT at the EPO”, which was held in cooperation with the European Patent Office. The workshop programme also included practical examples from practice and answered participants' questions about this issue. From 15 August 2019 to 15 November 2019 an exhibition of historical technical toys was available to the public in the entrance hall of the Office. The event took place on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Patent Office. The exhibits were lent by the Technical Toys Museum in Velvary ( http://www.muzeum-technickych-hracek.cz/). On 18 September 2019 a guided tour of the exhibition took place led by its curator Mr. Smaha
On 24 August 2019 the town of Krnov held the fourth year of a summer event called Dobré srdce Krnova (The Good Heart of Krnov). This event focuses on education and pursues charitable objectives. This year’s topic of the event was science and technology, or Let’s learn. The programme included amusing physical and chemical experiments, meetings with a robot and other interesting things from the world of science and technology. The Office was represented here in the form of an information stand. Both children and adult visitors tested their knowledge in games within which they connected famous inventors with their inventions and searched titles of patent document pictures. In particular, materials intended for children and students were distributed, especially a leaflet on intellectual property, comics on patents, trademarks and copyright, a leaflet explaining the form and content of a patent file, and an offer presented by the School Authority. There was also other printed matter providing information to the adults. The Office staff answered questions asked by both young and adult visitors about the industrial property rights and related matters.
On Wednesday, 04 September 2019, a popular 2018 Festival of Science took place in Prague, and this year’s topic was “Science in Professions”. Universities, scientific institutions and industrial enterprises, the Police of the Czech Republic, the Customs Administration of the Czech Republic and other institutions presented themselves there. The festival aims to support interest in science and study of technical disciplines in the form of interesting exhibits, presentations and amusing experiments, as well as live demonstrations of the work of the Customs Administration, Police of the Czech Republic, etc. In the accompanying festival programme, there was also a public discussion on the topic "Is the choice of profession science?" The Office was represented here by means of its own stand, where questions about industrial property rights were answered and which offered a range of printed material providing information to children and students. The visitors could test their knowledge in quizzes and memory games, which brought the world of famous inventions and their authors closer to them. Information materials and panels with demonstrations dedicated to various fields of the human activity were also prepared for visitors. The festival was organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, the Mayor of the Capital City of Prague, the Mayor of the District of Prague 6, and others. It was estimated that more than 17,000 visitors arrived this year.
On 19 September 2019 the main celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Patent Office was organised in the form of an international conference titled “Industrial Property Protection in Europe” and the subsequent ceremonial evening in the Spanish Hall of the Prague Castle. A total of 400 visitors attended the event, including a large number of very important persons, led by the chairmen of WIPO, EPO and EUIPO, ministers of the government of the Czech Republic and representatives of other institutions, chairmen of industrial property offices from different countries of the world, scientists, inventors, entrepreneurs and many others. The conference was also accompanied by an exhibition of the work of students of various levels of schools. In the second half of 2019, 12 seminars were held in the Office for the broadest public:
October 2019 - Introduction to Industrial Property
08 October 2019 – Technical Solutions – Patent / Utility Model
16 October 2019 - Trademarks.
06 November 2019 - Design Protection
12 November 2019 — Designation of Origin and Geographical Designations
20 November 2019 – Espacenet Database and National Patent Database
28 November 2019 - Database of Trademarks
04 December 2019 - Database of Designs
05 December 2019 – Patentscope Database, USPTO and Google Search
10 December 2019 – Asian Databases
12 December 2019 - Database of Trademarks
On 07-11 October 2019 the Office presented itself at a joint exhibition of called Czech Republic, the Country for the Future at the International Engineering Fair in Brno. 13 state institutions presented themselves at a joint stand in the Z Pavilion. The Innovation Strategy for 2019-2030 was also presented there. The grand opening of the Czech National Exposition took place with the participation of Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade and Industry Karel Havlíček, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Alena Schillerová and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tomáš Petříček.
On 10-13 October 2019 the Office participated in the FOR INTERIOR trade fair, which is dedicated to furniture, interiors and housing accessories. The Office staff answered questions asked by visitors to the stand, which focused on trademarks and design protection through industrial design (both in the Czech Republic and abroad), and presented the possibilities of search databases freely accessible on the Internet.
On 12-15 October 2019 the 33rd year of the International Exhibition of Inventions Tesla Fest was held in Novi Sad (Serbia). The exhibition focused on new products and technologies, industrial designs and geographical designations. It was the second time the Industrial Property Office participated in this exhibition. The festival took place in the premises of the Sports and Commercial Centre of Vojvodina, Novi Sad.
On 17-19 October 2019 the 17th year of the International Exhibition of Inventions ARCA 2019 took place in Zagreb. It was the first time the Industrial Property Office participated in this exhibition. The exhibition took place in the National and University Library of Zagreb. The main organiser of the exhibition, which was organised under the auspices of IFIA, was the Croatian Association of Inventors. The exhibition presented technical innovations not only from Croatia, but also from abroad. One of the main objectives was to link the academic community with the business sphere. A large space was therefore given to university students and one day focused on children, with a series of ‘technical’ workshops.
From 31 October to 03 November the 71st year of an international specialised exhibition called Ideas - Inventions - News (Ideen – Erfindungen – Neuheiten) iENA was held in Nuremberg, Germany, which the Office participated in with its exposition. On 02-03 November the exhibition was accompanied by the Hack&Make Technologies Festival, which is aimed at the general public, especially young people and technically oriented students and visitors.
On 26 November 2019 “The Information Day for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises” was held in the premises of the Office for the third time. The Technology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic cooperated with the Office in the organization of the Information Day. The Information Day was held within the framework of a European project called VIP4SME, of which the Office is an associated partner. The programme included appearance by experts from the co-organising Technology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, the CzechTrade Agency and the law firm Bird & Bird.In 2018
2018 was announced THE YEAR OF FAMILY BUSINESS
On 14 March 2018, the Office Director presented the latest news in the patent and trademark legislation at a meeting of employees of patent departments of industrial companies and universities in the multinational innovative company Hella in Mohelnice.
On 05-08 April 2018 the 21st year of the International Exhibition of Inventions and Innovation Technologies ARCHIMEDES was held in Moscow. It was the third time the Industrial Property Office participated as an exhibitor. In addition to information on the protection of industrial property rights and information activities, the Office also presented the organisation of the second year of the INVENT ARENA exhibition, an international trade fair for technical innovations, patents and inventions. The ARCHIMEDES exhibition is organised under the auspices of the international organisation IFIA and with support of the WIPO. Co-organisers include, for example, the Ministry of Defence, Agriculture, Education, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chambers of Commerce and Industry and the Union of Russian Inventors and Improvers. The Office's activities aimed at raising industrial awareness among children and young people and among the wider public were presented in the stand of the Office. Exhibitors from 22 countries presented more than 1,100 inventions and innovations. As usual, a part of the exposition was devoted to children’s inventions.
The Science Research Innovation Fair, the third year of which was held on 15-17 May 2018 at the Brno Exhibition Centre, aims to link research and scientific communities with the business environment. Here, scientific teams have an opportunity to present outputs of their activities to experts and to the general public. The fair also included an abundant accompanying programme offering conferences focused on subsidy programmes in the fields of science, research and innovation, scientific conferences, a networking meeting point, and much more. The Office participated in the fair with its own exposition, where information on the Internet was presented, freely available search databases with industrial legal information were transferred and informative searches were offered. The offer also included selection of brochures, leaflets and other printed material providing various information. The representatives of the Office also appeared at a specialised seminar organised by the Office as part of the accompanying programme
On 15-18 May 2018 the Office also participated in another annual trade fair of engineering and engineering technology “FOR INDUSTRY”. In the exhibition stand, information was offered to visitors in electronic form on the website of the Office and in the databases of industrial legal information. The Office staff answered visitors’ questions about the industrial property rights protection (both in the Czech Republic and abroad), and presented the possibilities of freely accessible search databases. Visitors could also take advantage of the offer of an informative search free of charge and choose from a wide range of brochures, leaflets and other printed matter providing related information including material intended for children.
The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic hosted the Science Fair at the Letňany Exhibition Centre on 07-09 June 2018. Many interactive expositions were installed for children and young audience, for whom the fair is primarily organised, which expositions introduced the world of science and technology in an attractive way. The Office was represented here through its own information stand and a representative of the Office answered questions asked by both adult visitors and children as regards the industrial property rights and all related issues. Children could test their knowledge in games within which they connected famous inventors to their inventions and searched for names of patent documents pictures. In particular, materials intended for children and students were distributed, especially a leaflet on intellectual property, comics on patents, trademarks and copyright, a leaflet explaining the form and content of a patent file, and an offer presented by the School Authority. There was also other printed matter providing information to the adults. The Office workers also familiarised visitors with freely accessible databases on the Internet. www.veletrvedy.cz
On 08 June 2018 an event called “IPforBusiness Travelling Training”, organised by the European Patent Academy (EPA) and European IPR Helpdesk took place in the premises of the Office. The event was a contribution to intellectual property training organised in 12 different European countries. Experts from the European IPR Helpdesk, the European Patent Office, the Technical University in Munich, the Technology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the Office appeared in the programme. The contributions concerned the topics of the protection of industrial property rights, the importance and possibilities of commercialisation of intellectual property rights (including case studies), the presentation of the work of IPR Helpdesk and its services for small and medium-sized enterprises, the services of the EEN network to support innovation and services of the Office for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, as well as the wider public.
On 20-22 June 2018 the second year of INVENT ARENA, the international exhibition of inventions and technical solutions, took place in the multifunctional hall Werk Arena in Třinec. There were competitions in the following areas: Ecology and Environmental Protection; Mining, Energy, Engineering, Transport, Construction; Chemistry, Agriculture, Health, Biotechnology; Computer Technology, Telecommunications, Automation, Informatics; Young Innovators and Others. The best exhibits were awarded gold, silver and bronze medals. The programme included expert seminars conducted by representatives of the Industrial Property Office and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, for example. Visitors could see demonstrations of crafts by pupils of secondary schools and apprentice schools and try them on their own. The exhibition was organised by TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY, a. s. and Česká hutnická společnost, z.s. The professional guarantee was provided by the International Federation of Inventory Associations (IFIA), the Czech Association of Inventors and Rationalizers (CSVZ), the Czech Association of Science and Technology Companies (CSVTS) and the Industrial Property Office. 47 exhibitors from 22 countries presented 135 innovative solutions at the exhibition.
In August, the Office launched a new version of the industrial property rights search database interface on its website. The new application brings about a new design with the possibility of being displayed on mobile devices and a wide range of novelties, including advanced features for registered users.
On Wednesday, 05 September 2018 the 2018 Science Festival was held in Prague and its topic was “Technologies Move the World”. There were presentations by universities, scientific and industrial institutions, the Police of the Czech Republic, the Customs Administration of the Czech Republic and other institutions. The aim was to promote interest in science and study of technical fields in the form of interesting exhibits, presentations and amusing experiments. The festival was also accompanied by a series of lectures in the National Technical Library. The Office was represented here by means of its own stand, where questions about industrial property rights were answered and which offered a range of printed material providing information to children and students. The visitors could test their knowledge in quizzes and memory games, which brought the world of famous inventions and their authors closer to them. Information materials and panels with demonstrations dedicated to different fields of technology were also prepared. The festival was organised under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Mayor of the Capital City of Prague, Mayors of the District of Prague 6, Chairman of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, and Rector of the Czech Technical University. The organisers estimated that there were about 17,000 visitors.
On 26 September 2018 a seminar called “Introduction to Industrial Property Rights” was organised for those interested in information in the industrial property rights.
On 01-05 October 2018 the Office introduced itself at the International Engineering Fair in Brno. The Office staff answered visitors’ questions about the industrial property rights protection (in the Czech Republic and abroad). The stand of the Office also offered to visitors a number of information in the electronic form which is available on the Office’s website and in freely accessible databases of industrial legal information, the possibilities of which were presented. The Office also presented its activities aimed at the young audience consisting of pupils and students. Visitors could also use free offers of an informative search and choose from a wide range of brochures, leaflets and other information printed matter.
The representatives of the Office also presented the industrial legal protection system at the "Intellectual Property Rights" seminar organised within support of export by the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade.
On 04-07 October 2018 the Office participated in the FOR INTERIOR trade fair, which is dedicated to furniture, interiors and housing accessories. The Office staff answered visitors’ questions about trademarks and design protection through the industrial design (both in the Czech Republic and abroad) and presented the possibilities of search databases freely accessible on the Internet. In addition, information in the electronic format was prepared for visitors on the website of the Office and in industrial legal information databases, as well as in a wide range of brochures, leaflets and other information printed matter. Visitors could also make use of the opportunity of an informative search free of charge.
On 12-15 October 2018 TESLAFEST, the International Trade Fair of Innovations, Knowledge and Creativity, took place in Novi Sad; the event was accompanied by an international conference of innovations. The fair took place in the premises of SPC Vojvodina and was organised by the association of inventors of the Autonomous Region of Vojvodina under the auspices of the Governments of Serbia, the Autonomous Region of Vojvodina and the town of Novi Sad. More than 500 inventors, innovators and entrepreneurs participate in this event regularly. The event also offers certain opportunities to students and young innovators. Information services and activities of the Office aimed at raising awareness of industrial property protection among the public and children and young people were presented in the stand of the Office.
During October 2018, additional seminars took place in the premises of the Office to further familiarise users from among the general public with industrial rights issues, information databases and industrial legal information searches
The Office hosted a travelling seminar called the World Intellectual Property Organisation Services and Activities on 17 October 2018 - experts from WIPO and the Office appeared in the seminar, the presentations focused on the main international industrial property rights protection contracts, the activities of the Visegrad Patent Institute (VPI), information products and services, and the subsequent discussions analysed experience from the point of view of both applicants and legal experts.
On 18 October 2018 a performance of the Amazing Theatre of Physics took place in the premises of the Office. The performance recurred in blocks. Each block contained two parts. In the first part, students became familiar with intellectual property, industrial law and types of industrial legal protection. In the second part, there was a performance of the Amazing Theatre of Physics for pupils, carried out in an imaginative and professional manner, explaining to them the nature and importance of intellectual property using examples of the practical use of physical phenomena in inventions which they may encounter in everyday life. The Office was visited by 280 pupils from six primary schools.
On 01 November 2018 it was the second time that the Office held a seminar called "Intellectual Property in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises” within the “Information Day for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises”. The Technology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic co-operated in the organisation of the Information Day. The Information Day was held within the framework of a European project called VIP4SME, of which the Office is an associated partner. Experts from the co-organising Technology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, the European Space Agency, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and representatives of the Office appeared in the programme. The presentation of the morning part covered the protection of industrial property rights, practical work with industrial information databases, possibilities of financial support for registration of industrial rights, intellectual property in the development of space technologies, and the offer of EU IPR Helpdesk services to Czech small and medium-sized enterprises. The afternoon part familiarised the audience with the expected new features in the area of designation rights, which will result in an amendment to the Trademarks Act in 2019.
On 13 November 2018, as part of the support for export of the Czech Republic, a seminar was held in the Ministry of Industry and Trade called "The Intellectual Property Rights", where representatives of the Office had presentations in the following topics: how to get money from industrial rights, the introduction into industrial rights, the significance and source of industrial legal information.
On 04-07 December 2018 the representative of the Office participated in the programme of the Research, Development and Innovation Week in the Czech Republic, 2018 INNOVATION, organised by the Innovation Business Association, 2018.