- Basic information
- Office Activities Arising out of Strategy Documents
- Contacts
- IP Strategy: The Approach to Promote Industrial Property Rights 2021-2030
- Official information
- Information on Personal Data Protection
- Career abroad
- Mandatory information
- Misconduct notification – Whistleblowing
- Service satisfaction questionnaire
- Quality (ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 22301)
- Warning: Unsolicited offers for conclusion a contract
- Projects Funded by the National Recovery Plan (NRP)
Mission of the Office
The Industrial Property Office (IPO CZ) is one of the central bodies of state administration of the Czech Republic and primarily acts as a patent and trademark office. Its field of activity is not only granting patents and managing registries.The industrial property of today is understood as wide scale of rights to so-called intangible assets, such as results of technical and creative activity (patents and utility models), subjects of industrial design, (industrial designs), as well as rights to mark (trademarks, appellations of origin).
Being the body of state administration, the IPO CZ acts as gestor and coordinator of international treaties on protection of industrial property rights to which the Czech Republic is committed. Another important field of action is a support of development and protection of industrial property rights. The IPO CZ also acts as a specialized information center.