- Basic information
- Office Activities Arising out of Strategy Documents
- Contacts
- IP Strategy: The Approach to Promote Industrial Property Rights 2021-2030
- Official information
- Information on Personal Data Protection
- Career abroad
- Mandatory information
- Misconduct notification – Whistleblowing
- Service satisfaction questionnaire
- Quality (ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 22301)
- Warning: Unsolicited offers for conclusion a contract
- Projects Funded by the National Recovery Plan (NRP)
Provision of Information Pursuant to Act No. 106/1999 Coll.
In order to inform the public each liable entity must enable access to information in a public space of its office, according to the Act no. 106/1999 Coll., on free access to information.
1. Name
Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic (IPO CZ)
2. Reason for establishment and means
The Industrial Property Office is established by Amendment No 2/1969 Coll. (Act no. 21/1993 Coll) as a central body of state administration of the Czech Republic.
In accordance with the effect determined by Act no.14/1993 Coll. on Measures Concerning the Industrial Property the IPO CZ:
a) decides about the provision of the protection of inventions, industrial designs, utility models, topographies of the semiconductor products, trademarks and appellations of origin;
b) works in compliance with the provisions for patent attorneys;
c) administers collection of patent literature.
3. Organizational Chart
4. Contacts
4.1 Contact postal address
Antonína Čermáka 1057/2a
160 68 Praha 6 – Bubeneč
Czech Republic
4.2 IPO CZ address for personal visits
Antonína Čermáka 1057/2a
160 68 Praha 6 – Bubeneč
Czech Republic
4.3 IPO CZ opening hours
Opening hours can be found here.
4.4 Telephone numbers
Switchboard: +420 220 383/111
4.5 Internet address
4.6 filing room address
Antonína Čermáka 1057/2a
160 68 Praha 6 – Bubeneč
Czech Republic
4.6 e-filing room address
Data box address: ix6aa38
helpdesk service – provides basic information about industrial property through e-mail.
On this e-mail address you can order searches for various industrial rights. For more information click here.
Reports of suspicion of corrupt actions in connection with IPO CZ activities can be sent on this e-mail address.
5. Potential payments can be remitted to
All payments except for payments for PCT applications can be paid at the IPO CZ cash desk or to relevant accounts or by postal order.
Administrative and service fees provided by the IPO CZ are payable to the following accounts:
1. 19-21526001/0710 | Service fees |
2. 3711-21526001/0710 | Administrative fees |
3. 80012-21526001/0710 | Maintenance fees for national patents and SPC |
4. 35-21526001/0710 | Maintenance fees for European patents |
5. 212883802/0300 | Fees connected to filing international PCT applications (in EUR) |
For more information about payments click here.
6. Identification number (IČ)
7. Tax registration number (DIČ)
The IPO CZ is not a VAT payer.
8. Documents
8.1 List of main documents
Integrated Management System Policy
8.2 Budget
IPO CZ indicators for 2021 (pdf, 78 kB)
IPO CZ indicators for 2020 (pdf, 78 kB)
IPO CZ indicators for 2019 (pdf, 129 kB)
IPO CZ indicators for 2018 (pdf, 129 kB)
IPO CZ indicators for 2017 (pdf, 128 kB)
IPO CZ indicators for 2016 (pdf, 17 kB)
IPO CZ indicators for 2015 (pdf, 16 kB)
IPO CZ indicators for 2014 (pdf, 813 kB)
IPO CZ indicators for 2013 (pdf, 38 kB)
IPO CZ indicators for 2012 (pdf, 441 kB)
IPO CZ indicators for 2011 (pdf, 28 kB)
IPO CZ indicators for 2010 (pdf, 260 kB)
Final account of the IPO CZ state budget chapter 2019 (pdf, 486 kB)
Final account of the IPO CZ state budget chapter 2018 (pdf, 603 kB)
Final account of the IPO CZ state budget chapter 2017 (pdf, 676 kB)
Final account of the IPO CZ state budget chapter 2016 (pdf, 663 kB)
Final account of the IPO CZ state budget chapter 2015 (pdf, 600 kB)
Final account of the IPO CZ state budget chapter 2014 (pdf, 656 kB)
Final account of the IPO CZ state budget chapter 2013 (pdf, 672 kB)
Final account of the IPO CZ state budget chapter 2012 (pdf, 278 kB)
Final account of the IPO CZ state budget chapter 2011 (pdf, 491 kB)
Final account of the IPO CZ state budget chapter 2010 (pdf, 260 kB)
Information for previous years can be found here.
9. Requests for information
Information concerning patents, utility models, industrial designs, topographies of semiconductor products, trademarks, apellations of origin and geographical denominations can be obtained at the Helpdesk of the IPO CZ, either in person or by e-mail (helpdesk@upv.cz) or by phone (+420 220 383 120). Concrete questions can also be discussed directly with employees of relevant departments. Further information is also provided within the range of services of the Public reading room.
10. Acceptance of requests and other submissions
All documents, including all types of applications, requests, complaints, proposals and inputs can be filed in person in the IPO CZ filing room, by post, data box, e-mail with secured e-signature, by fax or e-mail documented by the original within 5 days of filing (see the Administrative Code). In case of file proceedings an application or request through the on-line system can be filed. Decisions of the IPO CZ can be received through data box, post or collected in person at the filing room of the IPO CZ.
11. Legislation
For proceedings before the IPO CZ general rules set out in the Administrative Code apply, bearing in mind relevant deviations in the legislation connected to industrial property protection.
All legislation concerned is available for viewing at the IPO CZ helpdesk and online on the IPO CZ website.
Overview of Acts based on which the IPO CZ makes decisions:
- Act No. 14/1993 Coll., on Measures concerning the Industrial Property
- Act No. 500/2004 of Coll., the Administrative Code
- Act No. 527/1990 Coll., on Inventions and Rationalisation Proposals
- Act No. 206/2000, on the Protection of Biotechnological Inventions and on the Amendment to Act No. 132/1989 of Coll., on the Protection of Rights to New Plant and Animal Varieties, as amended by Act No. 93/1996 of Coll.
- Decree of the Federal Office for Inventions on the Procedure in Matters of Inventions and Industrial Designs No. 550 of December 11, 1990
- Act No. 478/1992 Coll., on Utility Models
- Act No. 207/2000, of the Protection of Industrial Designs and the Amendment to Act No. 527/1990 of Coll., on Inventions, Industrial Designs and Rationalization Proposals, as amended
- Act No. 529 /1991 Coll., on the Protection of Topographies of Semiconductor Products as amended
- Act No. 441/2003 Coll., on Trademarks, force from 1.4.2004
- Act No. 452/2001 Coll., on the Protection of Designations of Origin and Geographical Indications and on the Amendment to the Act on Consumer Protection
- Act No. 634/2004 Coll., on Administrative Fees
- Act No. 173/2002 Coll., on Fees for Maintenance of Patents and Supplementary Protection Certificates for Medicaments and Plant Protection Products
- Act No. 417/2004 Coll., on Patent Attorneys
- Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code
- Act No.106/1999 Coll. on Free Access to Information
- Decree No. 243/2002 Coll., on the Protection of Designations of Origin and Geographical Indications and on the Amendment to the Act on Consumer Protection
- Decree No. 259/2012 Coll., on the Details of the Performance of the File Service
12. Fees for providing information
12.1 List of fees
List of fees - costs incurred in connection with a provision of information according to the Act No. 106/1999 Coll, § 17.
12.2 Decisions of superior administrative authority on the Settlements of costs incurred in connection with a provision of information
No such decision has been issued for the past two years.
13. Licence agreements
13.1 Sample licensing agreements
Licensing agreements are not required for the provision of information.
13.2 Exclusive licences
With reference to the Act no. 106/1999 Coll., the IPO CZ does not provide exclusive licences.
14. Annual report according to Act no. 106/1999 Coll.
Annual report for 2020 (pdf, 60 kB)
Annual report for 2019 (pdf, 79 kB)
Annual report for 2018 (pdf, 59 kB)
Annual report for 2017 (pdf, 25 kB)
Annual report for 2016 (pdf, 25 kB)
Annual report for 2015 (pdf, 58 kB)
Annual report for 2014 (pdf, 57 kB)
Annual report for 2013 (pdf, 56 kB)
Annual report for 2012 (pdf, 112 kB)
Annual report for 2011 (pdf, 28 kB)
Annual report for 2010 (pdf, 26 kB)
Annual report for 2009 (pdf, 27 kB)
Annual report for 2008 (pdf, 26 kB)
Descriptions of public administration services
Descriptions of public administration services (including several provided by IPO CZ) can be found at Public administration portal.