Patent and Utility Model databases
- Espacenet (EPO)
- European Patent Register, (FePR) Federated Patent Register Service and FePR Contents (Help) Page (EPO)
- PCT Electronic Gazette (WIPO)
- Patent Full-Text and Full-Page Image Databases (USPTO)
- P-Plat Pat (Japan Patent Office)
- Intellectual property office of China
- Intellectual property office of Korea
- Patent database (UK Intellectual Property Office)
- DEPATISnet (German Patent and Trade Mark Office)
- Hungarian Patent and Utility Model Database (Hungarian Patent Office)
- Patent Database (IPO SR)
- Utility Model Database (IPO SR)
- SIPO Database Server - Patents (Slovenian Intellectual Property Office)
- Canadian Patent Database (Canadian Intellectual Property Office)
Searches in databases mentioned above cannot replace the work of specialists in the field of the industrial property protection.