Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví

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Trademark databases

Search trademarks

Please read the following information carefully before conducting searches in the trademark database. This database contains trademarks registered in the IPV, WIPO (with design for the Czech Republic and the EU) and EUIPO. In particular, data collected from abroad may show certain inaccuracies, the removal of which is continuously being worked on. The valid list of goods and services for national trademarks (IPV) is in Czech; the English translation may contain certain deviations. Only the IPV data source is used to search according to the 'List of products and services' criterion. The information 'Affected by the amendment' draws attention to the fact that an administrative procedure is under way in the case (e.g. processing of a transfer request), which may lead to a change in the index data. Further information can be obtained from an overview of the management items or requested by the Industrial Property Office.

List of international names of pharmaceutical substances ineligible for industrial legal protection - issued by the WHO (World Health Organization).

National trademarks – xml data