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- IP Strategy: The Approach to Promote Industrial Property Rights 2021-2030
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- Projects Funded by the National Recovery Plan (NRP)
1) What kind of information is provided in the Public Reading Room?
- Patent literature – complete descriptions or title sheets of both national and foreign granted patents, published patent applications, registered utility models and industrial designs (on CD and in paper form);
- Other accompanying literature – patent and trademark bulletins, classification manuals
- Free access to national and international IP databases
2) What are the benefits of the search for a company?
It is important to perform trademark search prior to filing an application. This search can verify that there is no other similar or identical trademark already applied or registered for the specific classes of goods and services. Analysis of the search results can help identify the most powerful companies and potential competitors for the applicant or it can be used for marketing and business strategy.
3) How to obtain a search?
The search for any industrial right (trademarks, patents, utility models, designs) can be ordered in writing (by fax, email, mail, delivered in person at the information desk). Forms for various types of searches are available on the Office website – here. Informative searches for word trademarks can be provided for a fee while you wait at the Information desk of the Office (tel: 00420 220 383 120). Searches are part of charged services of the Office - Price list.
4) Is it possible to find out whether certain designation is protected as a trademark in the Czech Republic?
Aside from searches to order, you can go to freely accessible The database of trademarks valid on the territory of the Czech Republic (national trademarks, international trademarks with designation for Czech Republic and/or EU, Community trademarks, designations according to 6ter article). The database is updated daily.
You can choose between basic and advanced search (recommended). The actual search is not difficult, all you need to do is to fill in the information into the fields (i.e. wording, holder/applicant’s name, classes of goods and services, Vienna classification, etc.) which can be mutually combined. For more instructions please click on Help button.
International classifications are available on the following link.
5) How can I find information about national trademarks in other countries?
Most foreign national offices offer free access to databases on their website. You can find a list of countries and contact details for individual national offices on the WIPO website.
If you are searching for trademarks within the European national offices you can go to TMview search portal which provides access to detailed information (legal status, list of goods and services, representation etc.) about applied and registered trademarks of participating national offices (presently it is 14 national offices; the goal is to involve all EU member states). You can search for free and in national languages of each office. The portal is updated daily.
CETMOS service offers trademark search in the national and international databases of the nine states (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Austria, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia) and in the database of Communitiy Trademarks (valid on the EU territory). CETMOS offers fast and affordable service available via single order applicable to all participating states. The order can only be sent electronically through www.cetmos.eu and the results are also sent electronically to the applicant. The communication language is English, however the website provides detailed information in all national languages of the above mentioned states.
6) How to obtain up-to-date information on legal status of various IP rights (trademarks, patents, industrial designs, utility models, geographical indications and appellations of origin?
By performing a search in the freely available databases on our website or contacting our Information desk. The Office also provides official abstract from administered databases of individual industrial rights upon request. The fee is CZK 100,- per page.
The worlwide Espacenet database is also freely accessible
7) I am interested in state of the art monitoring service. Does your Office provide such service?
The user can apply for regular sending of newly published patents or its parts. This service is based on written order sent to this email address: objednavky@upv.cz. The user provides specification on the IPC classification, territory and time range and request for output which may include either title page, claims, drawings, combination of the two or a complete description of invention.
State of the art monitoring service is part of charged services of the Office – Price list.
8) Where do I find information about IP protection in other countries?
An interactive website Innovaccess (www.innovaccess.eu) provides specific information about services of almost 30 national patent and trademark offices. The Innovaccess on-line guide can help you find way through intellectual property and gives you advice on which right is best for you. You can calculate likely costs for your IP registration. It contains information about upcoming events and it is possible to download Sectoral Handbooks for various types of industries in many languages. The website is in English.