European Union trademark
Complete information on the registration of European Union trademarks can be found on the website of the European Union Office for Intellectual Property (EUIPO)
European Union trademark registration
Information on the registration of European Union trademarks can be found on the EUIPO website.
Electronic submissions and forms (EUIPO)
Electronic submissions and forms can be found on the EUIPO website.
Filing fees (EUIPO)
Information on filing fees can be found on the EUIPO website.
European Union Trademarks Gazette
The European Union Trademarks Gazette can be found on the EUIPO website.
An overview of trademark-related legislation can be found in the Legislation section.
EUIPO – Mediation Service
The Alternative Dispute Resolution Service (ADRS), operating under the auspices of the EUIPO Boards of Appeal, offers a mediation service for inter partes proceedings, during the appeal proceedings (which are suspended for the duration of the mediation process), allowing the parties to reach an amicable settlement.