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- IP Strategy: The Approach to Promote Industrial Property Rights 2021-2030
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- Projects Funded by the National Recovery Plan (NRP)
The Patent Office in Prague was established by the Act No. 305/1919 Coll. from 27 May 1919. At the same time the Patent Court was founded. Until the 1st January 1950 the trademark procedures were carried out by the Chambers of Commerce and Trade and by the Ministry of Industry. The Supreme Court was the court of appeal of the second instance. On April 1, 1950 the Office for Inventions and Rationalization Proposals was established. Later on the Office changed the name several times for the Office for Inventions, the National Office for Inventions and Standardization.
The development has resulted, on the occasion of the split of the former Czechoslovakia, in establishing the Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic, which is located in Prague. The Office has the following tasks:
- decides about the provision of the protection of inventions, industrial designs, utility models, topographies of the semiconductor products, trademarks and appellations of origin;
- works in compliance with the provisions for patent attorneys;
- administers collection of patent literature.
Explore history of the IPO in the presentation created on the occassion of its 100th anniversary.