Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví

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Open data for machine processing

Open data consists of freely available data exports intended for machine processing (more information). The datasets are provided in XML format. Publication occurs as a full database export followed by incremental updates. The Industrial Property Office publishes open data from the following sources (documentation pages can be switched to English in the top right corner):

*  In 2025, the provision of these sources in their legacy format will be gradually discontinued and they will be offered only in the format according to WIPO Standard ST.96.

Please note that the following data sources are also available for machine processing:

  • Legal status API 
    Send a GET request to
    to receive an XML response structured according to the XSD schema. The URL for retrieving the status of a specific file is also available in the IPO CZ database on each file's details page (via a button next to the "status" field).